Recent advances in molecular biology allow the use
genetic markers (DNA barcodes) to support and confirm
morphological evidence
for species identification and to quantify interspecific
differences in order
to compare species in terms of evolutionary distance. Most
barcodes are still
generated using the Sanger sequencing method, which requires
access to a
well-equipped molecular biology laboratory. Second-generation
technologies are also used for barcoding, but they depend on
equipment and the reads are often too short to distinguish
species reliably. We
have demonstrated that the third-generation sequencer Oxford
Technologies (ONT) can successfully sequence under extreme field
such as the tropical rainforests of Tanzania, Congo and Borneo.
We keep implementing new workflows for barcoding in
the field, from DNA extraction to the generation of consensus
sequences. The
selected protocols allow the extraction of DNA from tiny
snail-tissue biopsies
and from whole beetles after cutting the abdomen to release soft
tissues, as
required to preserve the integrity of the specimens for detailed
evaluation. PCR products are successfully obtained despite the
transport of our
equipment in a standard Peli case and the storage of DNA at room
and of molecular biology reagents in local fridges and freezers
powered for
only 10 h per day. The MinION flow cells, which are not
adversely affected by
the transportation and storage conditions, retained most of
their active pores
and produce a good number of reads in a few hours. On the
software side, the
new bioinformatics pipeline allow us to analyze MinION reads
using open-source
and custom-developed scripts that run locally on a Linux Virtual
Machine. The
sequencing and data analysis can therefore be combined on a
standard Windows
laptop with a user-friendly interface.
Visit the Multimedia page for on-site sequencing videos!