Insegnamento: GENETICA
Settore Scientifico Disciplinare (SSD)
Crediti: 6
Semestre: 1
Corsi di Laurea: LM2 Biotecnologie; L31 Bioinformatica
Obiettivi formativi:
Il corso fornisce conoscenze relative
all’organizzazione del materiale genetico, alla trasmissione e
ricombinazione dei caratteri ereditari, alle aberrazioni dei cromosomi e
dei geni, alla dinamica dei geni nelle popolazioni. Vengono inoltre
introdotte le evidenze genetiche della cancerogenesi e di alcune
importanti malattie, e le differenze fra organismi geneticamente
modificati e "naturali" Alla fine del corso lo studente avrà compreso le
basi genetiche della vita e sarà in grado di affrontare un percorso
formativo sia biotecnologico sia bioinformatico.
Module: Human Genome Sequencing and Interpretation
Scientific Sector BIO/18 - GENETICS
Credits: 6
Semester: 1
Degree class: LM9 Master's degree in Molecular and Medical Biotechnology
Learning outcomes:
Scope of the course is to provide the most
important concepts of clinical genomics, describing the structure and
the function of the human genome as well as the most advanced approaches
for its clinical interpretation A key point of the course is the
detailed description of the human genome sequencing and annotation
approaches carried out by the international public consortium, and by
the private (Celera) initiative. The reference genome is indeed a
fundamental component of nowadays human resequencing in precision
medicine, and describes many key points about the structure and the
function of the human genome. Then, the course will focus on the
technologies of next generation sequencing and their use in detecting
single nucleotide variants as well as large genomic structural
variations At the completion of the course the students will be
able to properly analyze and interpret a whole human genome.
Module: Human Genomics and Epigenomics
Scientific Sector BIO/18 - GENETICS
Credits: 6
Semester: 1
Degree class: LM18 Master's degree in Medical Bioinformatics
Learning outcomes:
of the course is to provide the most important concepts of human genomics and
epigenomics. A key point of the course is the detailed description of the human
reference genome in terms of structure and function, with an extensive
description of the Enciclopedia Of DNA Elements(ENCODE) functional datasets.
The reference genome is indeed a fundamental component of nowadays human
resequencing in precision medicine, and describes many key points about the
structure and the function of the human genome. Then, the course will focus on
the epigenetics mechanisms that ensure cellular identity and function.
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Università degli Studi di Verona