Interface LabeledIntMap

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLabeledIntMap, LabeledIntHierarchyMap, LabeledIntHierarchyMap.LabeledIntHierarchyMapView, LabeledIntSimpleMap, LabeledIntSimpleMap.LabeledIntNotMinMapView, LabeledIntTreeMap, LabeledIntTreeMap.LabeledIntTreeMapView, LabeledIntTreeSimpleMap

public interface LabeledIntMap extends Serializable
Realizes the map Label-->int

The semantics of a set of labeled values is defined in the paper
“The Dynamic Controllability of Conditional STNs with Uncertainty.”
by Hunsberger, Luke, Roberto Posenato, and Carlo Combi. 2012.

All methods managing a single labeled value have to make a defensive copy of the label in order to guarantee that the label insert/get is a copy of the label given/requested.
All methods managing bundle of labeled values do not have to make a defensive copy for performance reasons.

$Rev: 851 $
Robert Posenato
  • Field Details

    • serialVersionUID

      static final long serialVersionUID
      Serial UID
      See Also:
    • entryComparator

      static final Comparator<it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap.Entry<Label>> entryComparator
      A natural comparator for Entry<Label>. It orders considering the alphabetical order of labels.
  • Method Details

    • alreadyRepresents

      boolean alreadyRepresents(Label newLabel, int newValue)
      newLabel - a Label object.
      newValue - the new value.
      true if the current map can represent the value. In positive case, an add of the element does not change the map. If returns false, then the adding of the value to the map would modify the map.
    • clear

      void clear()
      Remove all entries of the map.
      See Also:
    • getMaxValue

      default int getMaxValue()
      the maximum int value present in the set if the set is not empty; Constants.INT_NULL otherwise.
    • size

      int size()
      the number of labeled value (value with empty label included).
      See Also:
    • values

      it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet values()
      the set of all integer values present in the map as an ordered list.
    • getMaxValueSubsumedBy

      default int getMaxValueSubsumedBy(Label l)
      Returns the value associated to the l if it exists, otherwise the maximal value among all labels consistent with l.
      l - If it is null, Constants.INT_NULL is returned.
      the value associated to the l if it exists or the maximal value among values associated to labels consistent with l. If no labels are consistent by l, Constants.INT_NULL is returned.
    • get

      int get(Label l)
      l - an Label object.
      the value associated to l if it exists, Constants.INT_NULL otherwise.
    • entrySet

      it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSet<it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap.Entry<Label>> entrySet()
      The set of all entries of the map. The set is a view of the map. A modification of the map is reflected on the entries of the returned set.
      If it is necessary to scan all the entries to modify the map, the only right way is to consider the keys returned by keySet() and use methods like remove(Label) and/or put(Label, int).
      The set of all entries of the map.
      See Also:
    • getMinLabeledValue

      default it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap.Entry<Label> getMinLabeledValue()
      the minimum entry in the set if the set is not empty; an entry with Constants.INT_NULL otherwise.
    • getMinValue

      default int getMinValue()
      the minimum int value present in the set if the set is not empty; Constants.INT_NULL otherwise.
    • getMinValueAmongLabelsWOUnknown

      default int getMinValueAmongLabelsWOUnknown()
      the min value among all labeled value having label without unknown literals.
    • getMinValueConsistentWith

      default int getMinValueConsistentWith(Label l)
      Returns the value associated to the l if it exists, otherwise the minimal value among all labels consistent with l.
      l - If it is null, Constants.INT_NULL is returned.
      the value associated to the l if it exists or the minimal value among values associated to labels consistent with l. If no labels are consistent by l, Constants.INT_NULL is returned.
    • getMinValueSubsumedBy

      default int getMinValueSubsumedBy(Label l)
      Returns the minimal value among those associated to labels subsumed by l if it exists, Constants.INT_NULL otherwise.
      l - If it is null, Constants.INT_NULL is returned.
      minimal value among those associated to labels subsumed by l if it exists, Constants.INT_NULL otherwise.
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      true if the map has no elements.
    • keySet

      it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSet<Label> keySet()
      A copy of all labels in the map.
      The returned set must not be connected with the map.
      The semantics of this method is different from the Map.keySet()!
      It can costs time and memory because it should duplicate all the keys of the map.
      This method allows one to scan all the keys of the map even if during the scan some key of the map are removed.
      It is important to modify this map using only method remove(Label).
      Method entrySet() returns a view of the entries of the map. Therefore, it cannot use to scan the map to modify it.
      a copy of all labels in the map.
    • newInstance

      LabeledIntMap newInstance()
      an object of type LabeledIntMap.
    • newInstance

      LabeledIntMap newInstance(boolean optimize)
      optimize - true for having the label shortest as possible, false otherwise. For example, the set {(0, ¬C), (1, C)} is represented as {(0, ⊡), (1, C)} if this parameter is true.
      an object of type LabeledIntMap.
    • newInstance

      LabeledIntMap newInstance(LabeledIntMap lim)
      lim - a map to clone.
      an object of type LabeledIntMap.
    • newInstance

      LabeledIntMap newInstance(LabeledIntMap lim, boolean optimize)
      lim - a map to clone.
      optimize - true for having the label shortest as possible, false otherwise.
      For example, the set {(0, ¬C), (1, C)} is represented as {(0, ⊡), (1, C)} if this parameter is true.
      an object of type LabeledIntMap.
    • putAll

      default void putAll(LabeledIntMap inputMap)
      Put all elements of inputMap into the current one without making a defensive copy.
      inputMap - an object.
      See Also:
    • put

      boolean put(Label l, int i)
      Put a label with value i if label l is not null and there is not a labeled value in the set with label l or it is present but with a value higher than l.

      Not mandatory: the method can remove or modify other labeled values of the set in order to minimize the labeled values present guaranteeing that no info is lost.

      l - a not null label.
      i - a not Constants.INT_NULL value.
      true if (l,i) has been inserted. Since an insertion can remove more than one redundant labeled values, it is nonsensical to return "the old value" as expected from a classical put method.
    • putForcibly

      void putForcibly(Label l, int i)
      Put the labeled value without any control. It is dangerous, but it can help in some cases.
      l - a Label object.
      i - the new value.
    • remove

      int remove(@Nonnull Label l)
      Remove the label l from the map. If the l is not present, it does nothing.
      l - a not null label.
      the previous value associated with l, or Constants.INT_NULL if there was no mapping for l.
    • unmodifiable

      a read-only view of this.