CSTNU-Tool 6.0 API
The goal of this open-source project is to offer:
- a JAVA library for representing and checking temporal constraint networks of type: STN, STNU, CSTN, CSTNU, and CSTNPSU;
- a graphical JAVA editor for designing and checking (C)STN(PS)(U) instances from scratch.
Contains the two packages that realize the framework for verifying the consistency/controllability of temporal constraint
Contains all checking algorithms for (C)STN(U)s.
Contains all classes for representing vertices, edges and graphs related to (C)STN(U) model.
Contains all actor classes for the implementation and/or the use of (C)STN(U)s algorithms.
Contains all classes to implement a simple graphical editor for (C)STN(U)s instances.
Provides the classes necessary to manage labeled value maps.