Purity, Approximation Theory and Spectra
Grand Hotel San Michele, Cetraro, Italy Workshop: 13–14 May 2024 Conference: 15-17 May 2024
Purity and approximation theory influence a wide range of areas in mathematics including model theory of modules, silting and tilting theory, cotorsion pairs and abelian model structures and many more. Moreover, related classification problems in abelian and triangulated categories are strongly connected with spaces such as Ziegler spectra, Balmer spectra and prime spectra. We aim to bring together researchers with an interest in these topics to share their different viewpoints and approaches.
This event was originally intended to take place in 2020 but was postponed due to COVID-19.

About the Workshop
The workshop will include five mini lecture series (two hours each) covering a range of fundamental topics.
Lecture series speakers:- Federico Bambozzi, University of Padova
- Sergio Estrada, University of Murcia
- Lorna Gregory, University of East Anglia
- Ivo Herzog, Ohio State University
- Henning Krause, University of Bielefeld
About the Conference
The conference is dedicated to Manolo Saorin on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
- Natalia Castellana, Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Septimiu Crivei, Babes-Bolyai University
- Amnon Neeman, University of Milan
- Jan Stovicek, Charles University, Prague
- Simone Virili, Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Alexandra Zvonareva, The Czech Academy of Sciences
Anyone interested in contributing a talk during the conference is invited to submit an abstract to the organisers. For more information see the "registration" page. The deadline for submitting abstracts is 15th April 2024.
Organising committee:
- Lidia Angeleri Hügel, University of Verona
- Diego Alberto Barceló Nieves, University of Verona
- Rosanna Laking, University of Verona
- Francesca Mantese, University of Verona
- Tsutomu Nakamura, Kyoto University of Education
Contact: "paths[dot]2020[at]ateneo[dot]univr[dot]it"