Principal Investigator
- INTCATCH: Development and application of Novel, Integrated Tools for monitoring and managing Catchments
FUNDING: EU H2020, WATER-1-2014/2015
DURATION: 44 months ROLE: Principal investigator for the Computer Science Department research unit, WP leader (WP4) and Technical director
- Automatic process control for energy saving and resource recovery in waste water management
(controllo automatico di processo per risparmio energetico e recupero di risorse dalle acque reflue)
In collaboration with INNOVen s.r.l. and EDALab s.r.l;
FUNDING: Regione Veneto (Fondo Sociale Europeo) Codice: 1695/101/8/1148/2013
DURATION: 12 months (2 Research contracts of 12 months each) ROLE: Principal investigator - RMASBench: Benchmarking Dynamic Multi-Agent Coordination in Urban Search and Rescue;
In collaboration with Linkoeping University and University of Southampton;
Related Software
FUNDING: RoboCup Federation
ROLE: Co-principal investigator - An integrated framework for situation assessment and task assignment in real rescue scenarios
FUNDING: EOARD (European Office of Aerospace Research and Development Award No. FA8655-05-1-3015)
ROLE: Co-principal investigator
Research Collaborator
- Control and Management of Autonomous Mobile Sensors
FUNDING: SEAS DTC (Systems Engineering for Autonomous Systems Defence Technology Centre, UK, Contract No. C/WPE/N03751)
ROLE: Research Collaborator - Market Based Control of Complex Computational Systems
FUNDING: EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council - EPSRC Reference GR/T10664/01)
ROLE: Research Collaborator - Simulation and robotic systems for operations in emergency scenarios
FUNDING: MIUR (2003 - prot. 2003097252)
ROLE: Research Collaborator - RoboCare
ROLE: Research Collaborator