Sebastiano Gaiardelli, Stefano Spellini, Michele Pasqua, Mariano Ceccato, and Franco Fummi

Integrating smart contracts in manufacturing for automated assessment of production quality


Products and materials traceability is essential in modern manufacturing, where the production must meet certain standards that range from Quality Control (QC) to the quality of the used materials. In this environment, blockchain applications allow certifying data provenience and subsequent modification, offering trust and security along the entire supply chain. Nonetheless, the design and the development of such applications are usually performed manually and, thus, subject to errors.

In this paper, we propose a methodology allowing to automatically generate smart contracts starting from a SysML model. This approach allows easing the integration of blockchain applications in a production system: by abstracting the implementations with models, it is possible to generate smart contracts for different blockchains, connecting to multiple production environments.

We applied the proposed methodology on a real manufacturing system, assessing the quality of a case-study production.

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