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15:30 - Presentation of the new Master in Artificial Intelligence
- Greetings and introduction - Prof. Roberto Giacobazzi, Prof. Alessandro Farinelli, Prof. Vittorio Murino (video)
- Presentation of the new master degree - Dr. Alberto Castellini (slides) (video)
- Q&A
16:15 - Alumni and Company presentations
- My experience on AI at UniVr + AI at UniCredit - Dr. Giovanni Beltrame (Alumnus, Solution Architect at UniCredit Services S.c.p.A) (video)
- My experience on AI at UniVr + AI at Intel - Dr. Walter Riviera (Alumnus, AI technical lead at Intel) (video)
- My experience on AI at UniVr + Machine Learning and Vision at eVS - Dr. Francesco Fornasa (eVS embedded Vision Systems) (video)
- AI at Italian Space Agency - Dr. Marco Giardino (Space Science Data Center, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) (video)
- Q&A
17:15 - Reseach groups on AI at Univr
- Vision, Images, Patterns and Sound (VIPS) - Prof. Andrea Giachetti (video)
- Intelligent Systems Lab (ISLa) - Prof. Alessandro Farinelli (video)
- BraiNAVigation Lab - Prof.ssa Gloria Menegaz (video)
- Knowledge Representation and applied ARTificial Intelligence (KReARTi) - Prof. Matteo Cristani (video)
- Q&A
17:45 - Buffet