Exponential integrators
- On-the-fly backward error
estimate for matrix
exponential approximation by Taylor algorithm,
M. Caliari and F. Zivcovich;
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 2018.
BibTeX entry: CZi18
- Backward error analysis
of polynomial approximations
for computing the action of the matrix exponential,
M. Caliari, P. Kandolf, and F. Zivcovich;
BIT, 2018.
BibTeX entry: CKZ18
- The Leja method
revisited: backward error analysis for the matrix exponential,
M. Caliari, P. Kandolf, A. Ostermann, and S. Rainer;
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2016.
BibTeX entry: CKOR16
- Comparison of
software for computing the action
of the matrix exponential,
M. Caliari, P. Kandolf, A. Ostermann, and S. Rainer;
BIT, 2014
BibTeX entry: CKOR14
- Meshfree integrators,
M. Caliari, A. Ostermann, and S. Rainer;
Reports (2011)
BibTeX entry: COR11
- A Meshfree splitting
method for soliton dynamics in nonlinear Schrödinger
M. Caliari, A. Ostermann, and S. Rainer;
Lect. Notes
Comput. Sci. Eng. (2013)
BibTeX entry: COR13
- Meshfree exponential
M. Caliari, A. Ostermann, and S. Rainer;
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. (2013)
BibTeX entry: COR13S
- Exponential integrators for linear advection
and wave equations,
M. Caliari and A. Ostermann;
In preparation (2007)
BibTeX entry: CO07B
- Implementation of exponential Rosenbrock-type
M. Caliari and A. Ostermann;
Appl. Numer. Math. (2009)
BibTeX entry: CO09
- Accurate evaluation of divided differences
for polynomial interpolation
of exponential propagators,
M. Caliari;
Computing (2007)
BibTeX entry: C07
- A massively parallel exponential integrator for advection-diffusion models,
A. Martínez, L. Bergamaschi, M. Caliari, and M. Vianello;
J. Comput. Appl. Math. (2009)
BibTeX entry: MBCV09
- Comparing Leja and Krylov approximations of large scale matrix
L. Bergamaschi, M. Caliari, A. Martínez, and M. Vianello;
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. (2006)
BibTeX entry: BCMV06
- A parallel exponential integrator for large-scale discretizations
of advection-diffusion models,
L. Bergamaschi, M. Caliari, A. Martínez and M. Vianello;
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. (2005)
BibTeX entry: BCMV05
- The LEM exponential integrator for advection-diffusion-reaction
M. Caliari, M. Vianello, and L. Bergamaschi;
J. Comput. Appl. Math. (2007)
BibTeX entry: CVB07
- The ReLPM exponential integrator
for FE discretizations
of advection-diffusion equations,
L. Bergamaschi, M. Caliari, and M. Vianello;
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. (2004)
BibTeX entry: BCV04
- Interpolating discrete advection-diffusion propagators at Leja
M. Caliari, M. Vianello, and L. Bergamaschi;
J. Comput. Appl. Math. (2004)
BibTeX entry: CVB04
- Efficient approximation of the exponential operator for discrete 2D
advection-diffusion problems,
L. Bergamaschi, M. Caliari, and M. Vianello;
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. (2003)
BibTeX entry: BCV03