Serialized Form

  • Package it.univr.di.cstnu.algorithms

  • Package it.univr.di.cstnu.graph

    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.AbstractComponent

      class AbstractComponent extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • inNegativeCycle
          boolean inNegativeCycle
          Both for nodes and edges, some algorithms can set this variable true if the component is in a negative cycle.
        • name
          String name
          Possible name
        • pcs
          PropertyChangeSupport pcs
          Since Java 9, Observable is no more supported. I decided to replace Observable using java.bean. PropertyChangeSupport allows to register listener indexed by a key (string) that represents the property. Then, when a property is changed, it is sufficient to call pcs.firePropertyChange("theProperty", old, val); A listener l of a property X must be registered as addObserver("X",l) A listener must be implement PropertyChangeListener.
    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.AbstractEdge

      class AbstractEdge extends AbstractComponent implements Serializable
    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.AbstractNode

      class AbstractNode extends AbstractComponent implements Serializable
    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.BasicCSTNUEdgePluggable

      class BasicCSTNUEdgePluggable extends CSTNEdgePluggable implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • consideredUpperCaseValue
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap<it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectMap.Entry<Label,ALabel>> consideredUpperCaseValue
          The CSTNU controllability check algorithm needs to know if a labeled value has been already considered in the past in order to avoid to add it a second time.
        • upperCaseValue
          LabeledALabelIntTreeMap upperCaseValue
          Morris Upper case value augmented by a propositional label.
          The name of node has to be equal to the original name. No case modifications are necessary!
    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.CSTNEdgePluggable

      class CSTNEdgePluggable extends AbstractEdge implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • consideredLabeledValue
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap<Label> consideredLabeledValue
          Maintains log of labeled values that have been already inserted and, therefore, cannot be reinserted. This is used for speed-up the label management.
        • labeledValue
          LabeledIntMap labeledValue
          Labeled value.
        • labeledValueMapImpl
          Class<? extends LabeledIntMap> labeledValueMapImpl
          Labeled value class used in the class.
    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.CSTNPSUEdgePluggable

      class CSTNPSUEdgePluggable extends BasicCSTNUEdgePluggable implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • consideredLowerCaseValue
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap<it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectMap.Entry<Label,ALabel>> consideredLowerCaseValue
          The CSTNU controllability check algorithm needs to know if a labeled value has been already considered in the past in order to avoid to add it a second time.
        • lowerCaseValue
          LabeledALabelIntTreeMap lowerCaseValue
          Morris Lower case value augmented by a propositional label.
          The name of node has to be equal to the original name. No case modifications are necessary!
    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.CSTNUEdgePluggable

      class CSTNUEdgePluggable extends BasicCSTNUEdgePluggable implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • lowerCaseValue
          LabeledLowerCaseValue lowerCaseValue
          Morris Lower case value augmented by a propositional label.

          The name of node has to be equal to the original name. No case modifications are necessary!

    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.LabeledNode

      class LabeledNode extends AbstractNode implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • after
          LabeledNode after
          Node in the double-link list used in subtreeDisassembly.
        • aLabel
          ALabel aLabel
          ALabel associated to this node. This field has the scope to speed up the DC checking since it represents the name of a contingent time point as ALabel instead of calculating it every time. Used in CSTNU.
        • before
          LabeledNode before
          Node in the double-link list used in subtreeDisassembly.
        • isContingent
          boolean isContingent
          Flag for contingent node. Used in STNU/CSTNU.
        • isParameter
          boolean isParameter
          Flag for parameter node. Used in PCSTNU.
        • label
          Label label
          Label associated to this node. Used in CSTNU/CSTN.
        • labeledPotential
          LabeledALabelIntTreeMap labeledPotential
          Labeled potential values. This map can also represent Upper-case labeled potentials. Used in HP20 and derived algorithms.
        • labeledPotentialCount
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap<Label> labeledPotentialCount
          Labeled potential count. This map counts how many values have been set for each label during a computation of any algorithm working with potential. Usually, in APSP or SSSP algorithms, when a value has been updated more than #nodes time, then there is a negative cycle.
        • labeledUpperPotential
          LabeledALabelIntTreeMap labeledUpperPotential
          Labeled upper potential values. This map can also represent Upper-case labeled potentials. Used in HP20 and derived algorithms.
        • potential
          int potential
          Potential value. Used in STN.
        • predecessor
          LabeledNode predecessor
          Predecessor of parent node. It is used for delimiting the subtree to disassemble. A node X_i is the predecessor of node X_j, i.e., X_i=p(X_j), if the distance or potential d(X_j) has been updated to d(x_i) + delta_{ij}
        • propositionObserved
          char propositionObserved
          Possible proposition observed. Used in CSTNU/CSTN.
        • status
          LabeledNode.Status status
          Status used by algorithm SSSP_BFCT.
        • x
          double x
          Position Coordinates. It must be double even if it is not necessary for Jung library compatibility.
        • y
          double y
          Position Coordinates. It must be double even if it is not necessary for Jung library compatibility.
    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.OSTNUEdgePluggable

      class OSTNUEdgePluggable extends CSTNUEdgePluggable implements Serializable
    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.STNEdgeInt

      class STNEdgeInt extends AbstractEdge implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • value
          int value
          the value associated to the edge
    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.STNUEdge.CaseLabel

      class CaseLabel extends it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectBooleanImmutablePair<ALabelAlphabet.ALetter> implements Serializable
    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.STNUEdgeInt

      class STNUEdgeInt extends STNEdgeInt implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • caseLabel
          STNUEdge.CaseLabel caseLabel
          The upper/lower case label.
          The first component is the node label, the second specifies the nature: true for upper-case, false for lower-case.
        • labeledValue
          int labeledValue
          The labeled value associated to the edge when it is a contingent link or a wait constraint. Its value is Constants.INT_NULL when this edge is an ordinary one.
    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.TNGraph

      class TNGraph extends edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.AbstractTypedGraph<LabeledNode,E extends Edge> implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • adjacency
          E extends Edge[][] adjacency
          The graph is represented by its adjacency matrix.
        • aLabelAlphabet
          ALabelAlphabet aLabelAlphabet
          Alphabet for A-Label
        • childrenOfObserver
          Map<LabeledNode,Label> childrenOfObserver
          Children of observation nodes
        • edge2index
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectMap<String,TNGraph<E extends Edge>.it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.TNGraph.EdgeIndex> edge2index
          Map (edge-->adjacency position)
        • edgeFactory
          EdgeSupplier<E extends Edge> edgeFactory
          Edge factory
        • index2node
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap<LabeledNode> index2node
          Map (adjacency row-->node)
        • inEdgesCache
          Map<LabeledNode,it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectList<it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectObjectImmutablePair<E extends Edge,LabeledNode>>> inEdgesCache
          Map (node) --> list of its (in-going edge, sourceNode). It works as cache.
        • inputFile
          File inputFile
          A possible input file containing this graph.
        • lowerCaseEdges
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectList<BasicCSTNUEdge> lowerCaseEdges
          List of edges with lower case label set not empty
        • name
          String name
        • nodeFactory
          LabeledNodeSupplier nodeFactory
          Node factory
        • nodeName2index
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap<String> nodeName2index
          Map (node-->adjacency row)
        • observer2Z
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectList<E extends Edge> observer2Z
          List of edges from observers to Z
        • order
          int order
          Current number of nodes;
        • outEdgesCache
          Map<LabeledNode,it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectList<it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectObjectImmutablePair<E extends Edge,LabeledNode>>> outEdgesCache
          Map (node) --> list of its (out-going edge, destinationNode). It works as cache.
        • proposition2Observer
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.chars.Char2ObjectMap<LabeledNode> proposition2Observer
          Map of (proposition-->Observer node).
        • type
          TNGraph.NetworkType type
          Type of network
        • Z
          LabeledNode Z
          Zero node. In temporal constraint network such node is the first node to execute.
    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.graph.TNGraph.UnmodifiableTNGraph

      class UnmodifiableTNGraph extends TNGraph<K extends Edge> implements Serializable
  • Package it.univr.di.cstnu.util

  • Package it.univr.di.cstnu.visualization

    • Class it.univr.di.cstnu.visualization.TNEditor

      class TNEditor extends JFrame implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • checkedGraph
          TNGraph<? extends Edge> checkedGraph
          TNGraph structures necessary to represent derived graph.
        • checkingAlgCSTNComboBox
          JComboBox<AbstractCSTN.CheckAlgorithm> checkingAlgCSTNComboBox
          Drop-down list for selecting CSTN CheckingAlgorithm
        • cleanResult
          boolean cleanResult
          Cleaned result. True to store a cleaned result
        • contingentAlsoAsOrdinary
          boolean contingentAlsoAsOrdinary
          True if contingent link as to be represented also as ordinary constraints.
        • controlSouthPanel
          JPanel controlSouthPanel
        • cstn
          CSTN cstn
          CSTN checker
        • cstnCheckAlg
          AbstractCSTN.CheckAlgorithm cstnCheckAlg
          Which check alg for CSTN
        • cstnDCSemanticsComboBox
          JComboBox<AbstractCSTN.DCSemantics> cstnDCSemanticsComboBox
          semantic combo for CSTN
        • cstnpsu
          CSTNPSU cstnpsu
          CSTNPSU checker
        • cstnStatus
          AbstractCSTN.CSTNCheckStatus cstnStatus
          CSTN check status
        • cstnu
          CSTNU cstnu
          CSTNU checker
        • cstnu2cstn
          CSTNU2CSTN cstnu2cstn
          CSTNU2CSTN checker
        • cstnuStatus
          CSTNU.CSTNUCheckStatus cstnuStatus
          CSTNU check status
        • currentEdgeImpl
          Class<? extends Edge> currentEdgeImpl
          Current edge implementation class
        • currentTNGraphType
          TNGraph.NetworkType currentTNGraphType
          The kind of network the system is currently showing
        • cycle
          int cycle
          Number of cycles of CSTN(U) check step-by-step
        • dcCurrentSem
          AbstractCSTN.DCSemantics dcCurrentSem
          The current wanted semantics
        • defaultDir
          String defaultDir
          Default load/save directory
        • derivedGraphBiggerViewer
          JButton derivedGraphBiggerViewer
          Button for derived network bigger viewer
        • edgesToCheck
          AbstractCSTN.EdgesToCheck<? extends Edge> edgesToCheck
          Edges to check in CSTN(U) check step-by-step
        • epsilonPanel
          JPanel epsilonPanel
          The epsilon panel
        • extraButtons
          boolean extraButtons
          Some buttons have meaning only for some contexts. The default is not to show.
        • graphInfoLabel
          JLabel graphInfoLabel
          The graph info label
        • inputGraph
          TNGraph<? extends Edge> inputGraph
          TNGraph structures necessary to represent input graph.
        • inputGraphBiggerViewer
          JButton inputGraphBiggerViewer
          Button for input network bigger viewer
        • layoutEditor
          edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.AbstractLayout<LabeledNode,? extends Edge> layoutEditor
          Layout for input graph.
        • layoutToggleButton
          JToggleButton layoutToggleButton
          Button for re-layout input graph
        • layoutViewer
          edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.AbstractLayout<LabeledNode,? extends Edge> layoutViewer
          Layout for derived graph.
        • mapInfoLabel
          JLabel mapInfoLabel
        • modeBoxIndex
          int modeBoxIndex
          Position of the mode box for the main editor
        • modeBoxViewerIndex
          int modeBoxViewerIndex
          Position of the mode box for the viewer
        • oneStepBackGraph
          TNGraph<? extends Edge> oneStepBackGraph
          TNGraph structures necessary to represent an auxiliary graph.
        • onlyToZ
          boolean onlyToZ
          OnlyToZ says if the DC checking has to be made propagating constraints only to time-point Z
        • onlyToZCB
          JCheckBox onlyToZCB
        • ostnu
          OSTNU ostnu
          OSTNU checker
        • ostnuStatus
          OSTNU.OSTNUCheckStatus ostnuStatus
          OSTNU check status
        • pcstnu
          PCSTNU pcstnu
          PCSTNU checker
        • preferredSize
          Dimension preferredSize
          the preferred sizes for the two views
        • reactionTime
          int reactionTime
          Reaction time for CSTN
        • rowForAppButtons
          JPanel rowForAppButtons
        • rowForOSTNUButtons
          JPanel rowForOSTNUButtons
        • rowForSTNButtons
          JPanel rowForSTNButtons
        • rowForSTNUButtons
          JPanel rowForSTNUButtons
        • saveTNResultButton
          JButton saveTNResultButton
          Result Save Button
        • stn
          STN stn
          STN checker
        • stnCheckAlg
          STN.CheckAlgorithm stnCheckAlg
          Which check alg to use for STN
        • stnStatus
          STN.STNCheckStatus stnStatus
          STN check status
        • stnu
          STNU stnu
          STNU checker
        • stnuCheckAlg
          STNU.CheckAlgorithm stnuCheckAlg
          Which check alg to use for STNU
        • stnuCheckAlgComboSelect
          JComboBox<STNU.CheckAlgorithm> stnuCheckAlgComboSelect
          Swing combo select for the stnuCheckAlg.
        • stnuStatus
          STNU.STNUCheckStatus stnuStatus
          STNU check status
        • validationPanelCSTN
          org.netbeans.validation.api.ui.swing.ValidationPanel validationPanelCSTN
          Validation panel for CSTN row
        • validationPanelCSTNPSU
          org.netbeans.validation.api.ui.swing.ValidationPanel validationPanelCSTNPSU
          Validation panel for CSTNPSU row
        • validationPanelCSTNU
          org.netbeans.validation.api.ui.swing.ValidationPanel validationPanelCSTNU
          Validation panel for CSTNU row
        • viewerMessageArea
          JEditorPane viewerMessageArea
          Message area above the derived (no input) graph.
        • vvEditor
          edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.VisualizationViewer<LabeledNode,? extends Edge> vvEditor
          The BasicVisualizationServer<V,E> for input graph.
        • vvViewer
          edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.VisualizationViewer<LabeledNode,? extends Edge> vvViewer
          The BasicVisualizationServer<V,E> for derived graph.
  • Package it.univr.di.labeledvalue

    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.AbstractLabeledIntMap

      class AbstractLabeledIntMap extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • count
          int count
          The number of elements in the map
        • optimize
          boolean optimize
          Optimize In same applications it is important to maintain ¬C,0 and C,1. The optimization would reduce them to ⊡,0 and C,1. So, set false optimized to maintain ¬C,0 and C,1. Default is true.
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.ALabel

      class ALabel extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • alphabet
          ALabelAlphabet alphabet
          Alphabet to map the name into A-letter
        • bit0
          long bit0
          One long has 64 bits.
          Each position is associated to a A-Letter.
           Status of i-th A-Letter
           not present          0
           present              1
        • cacheOfSize
          byte cacheOfSize
          Number of A-letters in the label Value -1 means that the size has to be calculated!
        • maxIndex
          byte maxIndex
          Index of the last significant A-Letter of label. On 2016-03-30 I showed by that using byte it is possible to define also 'size' field without incrementing the memory footprint of the object.
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.ALabel.EmptyLabel

      class EmptyLabel extends ALabel implements Serializable
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.ALabelAlphabet

      class ALabelAlphabet extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • size
          byte size
          The number of valid entries in ALabelAlphabet.value.
        • value
          ALabelAlphabet.ALetter[] value
          The a-letters of this alphabet.
          Such array does not contain holes.
        • value2int
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntOpenHashMap<ALabelAlphabet.ALetter> value2int
          In order to speed up the #index method, a map int2Aletter is maintained.
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.ALabelAlphabet.ALetter

      class ALetter extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.Constants

      class Constants extends Object implements Serializable
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.Label

      class Label extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • bit0
          int bit0
          Using two ints, it is possible to represent 4 states for each position.
          Each position is associated to a proposition.
           Status of i-th literal
                        bit1[i] bit0[i]
           not present          0   0
           straight             0   1
           negated              1   0
           unknown              1   1
        • bit1
          int bit1
          Using two ints, it is possible to represent 4 states for each position.
          Each position is associated to a proposition.
           Status of i-th literal
                        bit1[i] bit0[i]
           not present          0   0
           straight             0   1
           negated              1   0
           unknown              1   1
        • count
          byte count
          Number of literals in the label Value -1 means that the size has to be calculated!
        • maxIndex
          byte maxIndex
          Index of the highest-order ("leftmost") literal of label w.r.t. lexicographical order. On 2016-03-30 I showed by that using byte it is possible to define also 'size' field without incrementing the memory footprint of the object.
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.LabeledALabelIntTreeMap

      class LabeledALabelIntTreeMap extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • count
          int count
          Number of elements
        • labeledValueMapImpl
          Class<? extends LabeledIntMap> labeledValueMapImpl
          Labeled value class used in the class.
        • map
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectRBTreeMap<ALabel,LabeledIntMap> map
          Data structure.
          1. A Upper/Lower Case value is a pair (nodeName, value) where nodeName is a name of a node and can be written either in all UPPER case or in all lower case. Such kind of constraint has been introduced by Morris Muscettola 2005.
          2. A labeled Upper/Lower Case value is a pair (nodeName, (proposition_label, value)), where proposition_label represents scenario where value holds. Such kind of constraint has been introduced by Hunsberger, Combi, and Posenato in 2012.
          3. Each proposition_label is a conjunction of literals, i.e., of type Label.
          4. Since there may be more pairs with the same 'nodeName', a labeled Upper/Lower Case value is as a map of (nodeName, LabeledIntMap). See LabeledIntMap.
          5. In 2017-10, nodeName has been substituted by Alabel. ALabel represent the name of a node or a conjunction of node names. Such modification has been introduced because CSTNU DC checking algorithm requires such kind of values.
          6. Since the introduction of ALabel, we suggest to use two @{link LabeledALabelIntTreeMap. One to represent the upper-case values. The other for lower-case ones.
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.LabeledALabelIntTreeMap.LabeledALabelIntTreeMapView

      class LabeledALabelIntTreeMapView extends LabeledALabelIntTreeMap implements Serializable
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.LabeledIntHierarchyMap

      class LabeledIntHierarchyMap extends AbstractLabeledIntMap implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • putHistory
          String putHistory
          Just for debugging
        • root
          LabeledIntHierarchyMap.HierarchyNode root
          Root of hierarchy Design choice: the set of labeled values of this map is organized as a double linked hierarchy of labeled values. A labeled value (label, value) is father of another labeled value (label1, value1) if label1 subsumes label and value1 < value.
        • wellFormatCheck
          boolean wellFormatCheck
          Just to force the control that, after each put, the format of hierarchy is still valid. Don't set true in a production program!
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.LabeledIntHierarchyMap.LabeledIntHierarchyMapView

      class LabeledIntHierarchyMapView extends LabeledIntHierarchyMap implements Serializable
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.LabeledIntSimpleMap

      class LabeledIntSimpleMap extends AbstractLabeledIntMap implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • mainMap
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap<Label> mainMap
          Map of label
        • updateCount
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap<Label> updateCount
          Counter of labeled value updates.
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.LabeledIntSimpleMap.LabeledIntNotMinMapView

      class LabeledIntNotMinMapView extends LabeledIntSimpleMap implements Serializable
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.LabeledIntTreeMap

      class LabeledIntTreeMap extends AbstractLabeledIntMap implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • base
          char[] base
          Set of propositions forming a base for the labels of the map.
        • mainInt2SetMap
          it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectArrayMap<it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap<Label>> mainInt2SetMap
          Design choice: the set of labeled values of this map is organized as a collection of sets each containing labels of the same length. This allows the label minimization task to be performed in a more systematic and efficient way. The efficiency has been proved comparing this implementation with one in which the map has been realized with a standard map and the minimization task determines the same length labels every time it needs it.
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.LabeledIntTreeMap.LabeledIntTreeMapView

      class LabeledIntTreeMapView extends LabeledIntTreeMap implements Serializable
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.LabeledIntTreeSimpleMap

      class LabeledIntTreeSimpleMap extends LabeledIntTreeMap implements Serializable
    • Class it.univr.di.labeledvalue.LabeledLowerCaseValue

      class LabeledLowerCaseValue extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • hashCode
          int hashCode
          cached hash code
        • label
          Label label
        • nodeName
          ALabel nodeName
          Even if this field could be just a ALetter, it is an ALabel because the comparison between ALabels is faster than ALetter and ALabel.
        • value
          int value