All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract component as base class for nodes and edges.
Core class to represent and DC check Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) where the edge weight are signed integer.
Only for stating which kind of DC checking algorithms have been implemented so far.
Represents the status of a CSTN-checking algorithm during an execution.
Value for dcSemantics
Simple class to maintain the set of edges to check in the following phase.
Acts as a queue and a set.
Base class for implementing LabeledIntEdge.
Abstract class for LabeledIntMap interface.
Base class for implementing Node.
Active wait of a timepoint.
Scope of this class is to maintain the list of active waits for a node allowing a fast determination of the greatest wait and fast removing of useless waits.
For these reasons, a max priority queue with key the wait value and value the associated contingent node is used.
Since the library has a min priority queue implementation, I reuse it making it private and giving all the proper methods for manipulating it as max priority queue.
Simple class to represent a A-label in the CSTNU framework.
An unmodifiable empty label.
Possible state of a ALabelAlphabet.ALetter in an alphabetic label.
A customizable alphabet, where elements are strings.
ALetter makes simpler to check if a node name is appropriate.
Represents the behavior of a CSTNU edge.
An implementation of CSTNUEdge where the labeled value set can be plugged during the creation.
Represents a pair (Label, String).
Simple class to determine the average execution time (and std dev) of the (C)STN(U) DC checking algorithm on a given set of (C)STN(U)s.
Utility internal class to store #contingent, #nodes, and #propositions and allows the ordering among objects of this class.
Component interface.
Some useful constants for the package.
Represents a Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) and it contains a method to check the dynamic consistency of the instance.
Edge weights are signed integer.
This class is the base class for 9 classes for CSTNs: each class is a specialization of this one where some assumptions about the system reaction type and/or the presence or not of labels on nodes are done.
In more details, in this class the dynamic consistency (DC) check is done assuming the standard DC semantics (a system reacts to the observations after a small but not quantified delay (cf.
Simple class to represent and check Conditional Simple Temporal Network assuming epsilon semantics and reducing an instance to an appropriate CSTN where DC checking is made assuming instantaneous reaction semantics.
Represents the behavior of a CSTN edge.
An implementation of CSTNEdge where the labeled value set can be configured at source level.
Simple class to represent and DC check Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) where the edge weight are signed integer.
Simple class to represent and DC check Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) where the edge weight are signed integer.
Simple class to represent and DC check Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) where the edge weight are signed integer.
Simple class to represent and DC check Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) where the edge weight are signed integer.
Simple class to represent and DC check Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) where the edge weight are signed integer.
Simple class to represent and DC check Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) where the edge weight are signed integer.
Simple class to represent and DC check Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) where the edge weight are signed integer.
Simple class to represent and DC check Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) where the edge weight are signed integer.
Allows the layout of a CSTN(U) determined by transforming a workflow generated by Atapis Random generator tool.
Represents a Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) and it contains a method to check the dynamic consistency of the instance.
Represents and checks streamlined Conditional Simple Temporal Network with Partial Shrinkable Uncertainty (CSTNPSU).
Represents a prototypal link.
Represents the behavior of a CSTNPSU edge.
An implementation of CSTNUEdge where the labeled value set can be plugged during the creation.
Allows one to build random CSTN instances specifying:
Represents a Conditional Simple Temporal Network with Uncertainty (CSTNU).
This class implementation considers instantaneous reactions and uses only rules qR0, and qR3 as label modification rules.
Edge values are integers.
Simple class to represent the status of the checking algorithm during an execution.
controllability = super.consistency.
Simple class to represent and check Conditional Simple Temporal Network with Uncertainty (CSTNU) where the DC checking is done reducing the instance to an equivalent CSTN instance where the DC checking is done assuming instantaneous reaction.
In other words, the CSTNU instance is transformed into a CSTN one and checked invoking CSTN.dynamicConsistencyCheck().
Reads CSTNU instances and converts them into CSTNPSU (==FTNU) instances transforming each contingent link into a guarded one.
Actor class that transforms a CSTNU instance into a UppaalTiga Time Game Automate schema.
It is sufficient to build an CSTNU2UppaalTiga object giving a TNGraph instance that represents the network of a CSTNU instance and an output stream where the result must be sent (see CSTNU2UppaalTiga(TNGraph, PrintStream)).
Then, invoking CSTNU2UppaalTiga.translate(), the result is sent to the specified output stream.
Represents the behavior of a CSTNU edge.
An implementation of CSTNUEdge where the labeled value set can be plugged during the creation.
Allows to edit vertex or edge attributes.
Extends CSTNUStaticLayout retrieving initial node positions from node attributes.
Simple class to represent and DC check Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) where the edge weight are signed integer.
Contains the static final boolean for enable/disable debug logging in all it.univr.di subpackages.
Simple class to determine the average execution time (and std dev) of the STN(U) dispatchability algorithms on a given set of STNUs.
Root class for representing edges in it.univr.di.cstnu package.
Possible types of an edge.
Edge rendering.
This supplier requires as E a class that implements Edge interface and that contains the following 3 constructors: E(Class<? extends LabeledIntMap>) E(E, Class<? extends LabeledIntMap>) E(String, Class<? extends LabeledIntMap>)
A plugin that can create vertices, undirected edges, and directed edges using mouse gestures.
I modified the source to use a local EditingGraphMousePlugin and to remove some extra useless features.
Personalization of key adapter.
2017-10-23 I added a menu item to manage the export of a graph.
Simple implementation priority queue where elements are T objects and priorities are integers.
The possible state of an element with respect to a ExtendedPriorityQueue.
FTNU model was introduced as an evolution of CSTNPSU one for having a simpler name and a DC checking algorithm able to determine the guarded bounds in a correct way.
Utility class for converting STNU file in GraphML format to Luke format.
Represents an immutable propositional label in the CSTN/CSTNU framework.
Allows to manage conjoin-upper-case values that are also associated to propositional labels.
A read-only view of an object
Simple implementation of LabeledIntMap interface.
Simple class to represent a labeled value in the hierarchy.
A read-only view of an object
Realizes the map Label-->int
A read-only view of an object
Basic factory of LabeledIntMap objects.
Simple implementation of LabeledIntMap interface without minimization.
A read-only view of an object
Simple implementation of LabeledIntMap interface.
A read-only view of an object
Extends LabeledIntTreeMap setting optimize field to false.
Represents an immutable Labeled Lower Case value.
LabeledNode class.
Possible status of a node during execution of some visiting algorithms.
LabeledIntEdgePluggable supplier.
An immutable literal.
Utility class for converting (C)STN(U) file in Luke format to GraphML format.
Root class for representing nodes in it.univr.di.cstnu package.
Provides method for LabeledNode rendering in TNEditor GUI application.
A type-specific array-based FIFO queue, supporting also dequeue operations.
An implementation of Collection interface that stores exactly 2 objects and is immutable.
Validator for observable.
Represents a Simple Temporal Network with Uncertainty and Oracles (OSTNU).
Simple class to represent the status of the checking algorithm during an execution.
controllability = super.consistency.
An implementation of OSTNUEdge where the labeled value set is not optimized for maintain scenarios like ¬c,0 and c,1.
Allows one to build random OSTNU instances specifying: number of wanted DC/NOT DC instances And the following parameters that characterize each generated instance: number nodes number of contingent nodes number of oracles max weight for each edge max weight for each contingent link (upper value) max in-degree for each node max out-degree for each node probability to have an edge between any pair of nodes
Simple class that extends CSTNU for representing and managing also 'parameter nodes'.
Simple class for making a meter in the console.
Represents a Simple Temporal Network (STN) and it contains some methods to manipulate and to check an STN instance.
Implemented algorithms for STN.
Represents the status of a checking algorithm during its execution and the final result of a check.
Represents the behavior of an STN edge.
Implementation of STNEdge using integer for weight.
Simple class to represent and consistency-check Simple Temporal Network with Uncertainty (STNU), where the edge weight are signed integer.
Possible DC checking algorithm
Simple class to represent the status of the checking algorithm during an execution.
Reads STNU instances and makes them more dense adding up to d (n (n-1)) edges, where n is the number of nodes and d the density.
Represents the behavior of a STNU edge.
A lower/upper-case label is represented as pair: (node-name, flag), where flag is a boolean that it is true when the label is an upper-case one, false when the label is a lower-case one.
Implements STNUEdge interface using signed integer values.
Allows one to build random STNU instances specifying: number of wanted DC/NOT DC instances And the following parameters that characterize each generated instance: number nodes number of contingent nodes max weight for each edge max weight for each contingent link (upper value) max in-degree for each node max out-degree for each node probability to have an edge between any pair of nodes
A Real-Time Execution (RTE) algorithm is a scheduling algorithm that preserves maximum flexibility while requiring minimal computation.
Represents a contingent link
Strategy for choosing a node and an instant among a set of possible ones.
Node enabled in the given time window.
Node occurrence (t, nodes).
t represent an execution time.
Node with its time window.
RTE Decision.
Class to represent the data for an execution of STNURTE.rte(NodeAndExecutionTimeChoice, NodeAndExecutionTimeChoice).
Simple class to determine the average execution time (and std dev) of the RTE* STNU algorithm on a given set of STNUs.
Represents a time interval where lower bound is guarantee to be ≤ upper bound.
A simple graphical application for creating/loading/modifying/saving/checking CSTNs.
Represents (dense) temporal network graphs where nodes are LabeledNode and edges are (an extension of) Edge.
Types of network that can be represented by this class.
Unmodifiable version of this graph.
Allows the reading of a Temporal Network (TM) graph from a file or a string in GraphML format.
Allows the writing of a Temporal Network graph to a file or a string in GraphML format.
Optimized representation of immutable predecessor graphs.
Some common types of unsatisfied property for well-defined CSTN.
Kinds of possible errors in checking well-definition property.