Manuele Bicego received his Laurea degree in Computer Science from University of Verona (Italy) in 1999. From the same university, in 2003, he received the PhD degree in Computer Science, with a thesis titled "Hidden Markov Models for Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: methodological issues and applications" - advisor Prof. Vittorio Murino. From 2000 to 2003 he worked in VIPS (Vision, Image Processing and Sound) laboratory of the Computer Science Department of University of Verona (Italy). From 2004 to May 2005 he was a PostDoc Fellow at the University of Sassari (Italy). From June 2005 to July 2017 he was assistant professor (ricercatore) at the University of Sassari (2005-2008) and at the University of Verona (2008-2017). He is now associate professor in Information processing systems (09/H1: Sistemi di Elaborazione delle Informazioni -- ING-INF/05) at the Computer Science Dept. of the University of Verona (Italy). From June 2009 to February 2011 he was also team leader and member of the PAVIS (Pattern analysis and Computer Vision) dept. at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT - Genova Italy).
Manuele Bicego's research interests include pattern recognition and bioinformatics. He is author of more than 150 papers on the above subjects, published in international journals, edited books and conferences, and he is a co-inventor of an EU and US patent on mobile biometric systems (owner Telecom Italia). He actively participated to different private, national and EU-funded research projects, such as SIMBAD ("Beyond Features: Similarity-based Pattern Analysis and Recognition", European 7th FP FET project) and BIOSECURE ("Biometrics for Secure Authentication", European 6th FP Network of Excellence). He had/has well established national and international collaborations with several research centers, collaborations supported by several (even long-term) visit exchanges.
Manuele Bicego was member of the Editorial board of ELCVIA and Int. Journal of Imaging and Robotics; since 2016 he is an Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition. He was/is member of the Scientific/Program/Technical/Reviewing Committee of many different international conferences and workshops related to his research interests; he also regularly serves as a reviewer for more than 35 international journals. He is member of the TC-1 technical committee (TC-1: Statistical Pattern Recognition Techniques, since 2017) and of the TC-20 technical committee (TC-20 Pattern Recognition for Bioinformatics, since 2013) of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). Since 2000, he is also member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) society and the the Italian chapter of the IAPR (Associazione Italiana per la ricerca in Computer Vision, Pattern recognition e machine Learning -- CVPL- ex-GIRPR). In January 2020 he obtained the National Scientific Qualification to Full Professor (ASN Prima Fascia) in the area of Information processing systems (09/H1: Sistemi di Elaborazione delle Informazioni -- ING-INF/05).