15:30-16:30 Diego Barceló Nieves

Title: On (Co)silting Bijections Involving the Category of Large Projective Presentations
Abstract:  Based on results by Adachi-Iyama-Reiten, Marks-Šťovíček, Pauksztello-Zvonareva and Adachi-Tsukamoto, García successfully completed a commutative 'triangular prism' of bijections connecting the classes of support tau-tilting modules, functorially-finite torsion pairs and left finite wide subcategories in the category of finitely-generated A-modules—where A is a finite-dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field—to the classes of 'silting objects', complete cotorsion pairs and thick subcategories with enough injectives in the category of projective presentations of objects in mod(A)—which has many powerful properties. In this talk, we will present advances towards generalizing these results to the realm of infinite-dimensional modules over more general classes of rings—and, furthermore, dualizing them. It is based on joint work in progress with Lidia Angeleri Hügel.

17:00-18:00 Enrico Sabatini      

 Compactly generated t-structures of path algebras over commutative Noetherian rings
Abstract: The problem of characterising subcategories of the derived category of a commutative Noetherian ring has been studied extensively in the last thirty years. The most important results are the characterisation of localising subcategories in terms of subsets of Spec(R), the prime spectrum of the ring, due to A. Neeman in 1992, and the characterisation of compactly generated t-structures in terms of chains of these subsets, due to L. Alonso, A. Jeremías and M. Saorín in 2010. The first result was generalised by B. Antieau and G. Stevenson in 2016 to the derived category D(RQ) of representations of a quiver Q over a commutative Noetherian ring R. In particular, they proved that a characterisation of localising subcategories of D(RQ) in terms of functions from Spec(R) to a set Nc(Q), depending on Q, holds for any Dynkin quiver and commutative Noetherian ring. The aim of this project is to find the corresponding generalisation of the result concerning compactly generated t-structures. In this talk I will give an overview of the history of this project, introduce all the ingredients and show the results mentioned above. Finally, I will talk about the new results and the techniques that have been developed in order to solve the problem in this general context.