# MatLabPlugin 4 CSTNU Tool Project
## About
MatLabPlugin 4 CSTNU Tool is an open-source software that offers a class that implements the interface `it.univr.di.cstnu.util.OptimizationEngine` necessary to
manipulate Probabilistic Simple Temporal Networks, represented by `it.univr.di.cstnu.algorithms.PSTN`.
**This plugin works only with MatLab R2024b runtime library and CSTNU-Tool one.**
[CSTNU Tool](https://profs.scienze.univr.it/~posenato/software/cstnu/) contains the `it.univr.di.cstnu.algorithms.PSTN` class that can be used only if there is
an implementation of the `it.univr.di.cstnu.util.OptimizationEngine`.
Since `it.univr.di.cstnu.util.OptimizationEngine` requires to solve a non-linear minimization problem and there is
no full-fledged Java open-source library for this task, I decided to offer an implementation based on MatLab (there
is a campus-licence at University of Verona) and make such implementation as a companion package in order to
maintain the CSTNU-Tool not dependent on MatLab library.
Such a plugin can be considered as a guide for other implementations of the `it.univr.di.cstnu.util.OptimizationEngine` interface.
## Documentation
The main website is https://profs.scienze.univr.it/~posenato/software/cstnu/matlabplugin
The main source repository is at https://profs.scienze.univr.it/posenato/svn/sw/CSTNU/MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool
The archived copy of the source repository is
at https://archive.softwareheritage.org/browse/origin/?origin_url=https://profs.scienze.univr.it/posenato/svn/sw/CSTNU/MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool
## Requirements
- Java ≥ 21
- MatLab R2024b runtime library
- CSTNU Tool ≥ 5.0
## Usage
The MatLabPlugin Plugin is a Java library that must be used with CSTN-Tool one.
It requires the MatLab R2024b runtime library to work.
This library is present in the main directory of the binary distribution archive as JAR package with name
where `X.Y` are two integers representing the version of the package.
(If the JAR package is built from the sources, it will be present in the `BinaryPkg` subdirectory).
It is sufficient to add the library to the JRE classpath for using any class or method of the library.
Let us assume that:
- the current MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool is `./MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool-1.0.jar`,
- the CSTNU-Tool JAR is `./CSTNU-Tool-5.0.jar`)
- the MatLab R2024b runtime library is installed at `/Applications/MATLAB_R2024a.app/bin/maca64` (this installation is
on a macOS system)
Then, the java call must be
$ java -cp ./CSTNU-Tool-5.0.jar:./MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool-1.0.jar \
-Djava.library.path=/Applications/MATLAB_R2024a.app/bin/maca64 \
The Jar package is distributed with all debugging code removed.
In case that it is necessary to have debugging messages,
please refer to `BUILDING.md` document in the source repository where it is explained how to build and use a Jar with
debugging messages.
## Licenses
For full licenses text, please check files in `LICENSES` subdirectory.
For source files the licenses (in SPDX term) is
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Roberto Posenato
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
For other file is
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Roberto Posenato
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
## Support
Author and contact: Roberto Posenato