# Building MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool
version 1.0
The MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool source code is organized as a Maven project.
File `pom.xml` in the main directory contains all directives for compiling, testing, building the jar, and building the site of the project.
Since this plugin depends on MatLab Tool 2024b and on CSTNU Tool, it is necessary to customize `pom.xml` setting the
path where MatLab runtime library and CSTNU Tool one are present.
Please, consider the comments labelled as `***CONFIGURE***` inside `pom.xml` and adjust the settings before continuing.
### Main Commands
Summary of the main maven commands:
* `mvn clean`
Cleans the environment removing all dangling or temporary files
* `mvn compile`
Compiles all the sources
* `mvn test`
Executes all JUNIT4 tests
* `mvn package`
Builds the jar package `MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool-X.Y.jar` and the binary-distribution archive `MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool-*.*.tgz`.
The archive `MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool-*.*.tgz` contains the JAR, `README.md`, and `RELEASE_NOTES.md`.
* `mvn package -Ddebug`
As `mvn package` but with all debug messages enabled.
To customize the level of debugging, it is necessary to give a `java.util.logging configuration` file as parameter to the JRE.
For using the `logging.properties` file, it is sufficient to specify it as parameter:
java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=logging.properties\
-cp CSTNU-Tool-x.y.jar:MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool-X.Y.jar \
* `mvn spotbugs:check`
It makes a static analysis of Java sources.
Behind some warning about the tool (ignore them!), the output must be similar to
[INFO] >>> spotbugs: (default-cli) > :spotbugs @ MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool >>>
[INFO] --- spotbugs: (spotbugs) @ MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool ---
[INFO] Fork Value is true
[INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis....
[INFO] <<< spotbugs: (default-cli) < :spotbugs @ MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool <<<
[INFO] --- spotbugs: (default-cli) @ MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool ---
[INFO] BugInstance size is 0
[INFO] Error size is 0
[INFO] No errors/warnings found