# Building MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool version 1.0 The MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool source code is organized as a Maven project.
File `pom.xml` in the main directory contains all directives for compiling, testing, building the jar, and building the site of the project. ### IMPORTANT Since this plugin depends on MatLab Tool 2024b and on CSTNU Tool, it is necessary to customize `pom.xml` setting the path where MatLab runtime library and CSTNU Tool one are present.
Please, consider the comments labelled as `***CONFIGURE***` inside `pom.xml` and adjust the settings before continuing. ### Main Commands Summary of the main maven commands: * `mvn clean` Cleans the environment removing all dangling or temporary files * `mvn compile` Compiles all the sources * `mvn test` Executes all JUNIT4 tests * `mvn package` Builds the jar package `MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool-X.Y.jar` and the binary-distribution archive `MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool-*.*.tgz`. The archive `MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool-*.*.tgz` contains the JAR, `README.md`, and `RELEASE_NOTES.md`. * `mvn package -Ddebug` As `mvn package` but with all debug messages enabled. To customize the level of debugging, it is necessary to give a `java.util.logging configuration` file as parameter to the JRE. For using the `logging.properties` file, it is sufficient to specify it as parameter: ```bash java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=logging.properties\ -cp CSTNU-Tool-x.y.jar:MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool-X.Y.jar \ ... ``` * `mvn spotbugs:check` It makes a static analysis of Java sources. Behind some warning about the tool (ignore them!), the output must be similar to ```bash [INFO] >>> spotbugs: (default-cli) > :spotbugs @ MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs: (spotbugs) @ MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool --- [INFO] Fork Value is true [INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... [INFO] <<< spotbugs: (default-cli) < :spotbugs @ MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool <<< [INFO] --- spotbugs: (default-cli) @ MatLabPlugin4CSTNUTool --- [INFO] BugInstance size is 0 [INFO] Error size is 0 [INFO] No errors/warnings found ```