package it.univr.di.labeledvalue; import; /** * Some useful constants for the package. * * @author Roberto Posenato * @version $Id: $Id */ public final class Constants implements Serializable { /** * Char representing labeled-value closing ")". */ public static final String CLOSE_PAIR = ")";// '⟩'; /** * A tupla closing char */ public static final String CLOSE_TUPLE = "❯"; /** * A tupla opening char */ public static final String OPEN_TUPLE = "❮"; /** * Char representing empty label: ⊡. */ public static final char EMPTY_LABEL = '\u22A1'; /** * @see #EMPTY_LABEL */ public static final String EMPTY_LABELstring = String.valueOf(Constants.EMPTY_LABEL); /** * Char representing empty upper case label: ◇. */ public static final char EMPTY_UPPER_CASE_LABEL = '\u25C7'; /** * @see Constants#EMPTY_UPPER_CASE_LABEL */ public static final String EMPTY_UPPER_CASE_LABELstring = String.valueOf(Constants.EMPTY_UPPER_CASE_LABEL); /** * Char representing infinity symbol: ∞. */ public static final char INFINITY_SYMBOL = '\u221E'; /** * @see #INFINITY_SYMBOL */ public static final String INFINITY_SYMBOLstring = String.valueOf(Constants.INFINITY_SYMBOL); /** * Negative infinitive. * * @see #INFINITY_SYMBOL */ public static final String NEGATIVE_INFINITY_SYMBOLstring = "-" + INFINITY_SYMBOLstring; /** * Default value to represent a no valid integer value. It is necessary in the type oriented implementation of {@code Map(Label,int)}. * It has to be different to the value {@link Constants#INT_POS_INFINITE}, used to represent an edge with a no bound labeled value. */ static public final int INT_NULL = Integer.MIN_VALUE; /** * THe integer value representing the -∞. */ public static final int INT_NEG_INFINITE = INT_NULL + 1; /** * THe integer value representing the +∞. */ public static final int INT_POS_INFINITE = Integer.MAX_VALUE; /** * Regular expression for an acceptable value in a LabeledValue. */ public static final String LabeledValueRE = "[-[0-9]|[0-9]]*"; /** * Regular expression for an acceptable positive integer. */ public static final String NonNegIntValueRE = "[0-9]+"; /** * Char representing logic not symbol: ¬. */ public static final char NOT = '\u00AC'; /** * @see #NOT */ public static final String NOTstring = String.valueOf(Constants.NOT); /** * String representing labeled-value opening. */ public static final String OPEN_PAIR = "(";// '⟨';//It is not possible... to much saved file with ( /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; /** * Regular expression for positive and not 0 integer. */ public static final String StrictlyPositiveIntValueRE = "[1-9]+"; /** * Char representing logic not know symbol: ¿. */ public static final char UNKNOWN = '\u00BF'; /** * @see #UNKNOWN */ public static final String UNKNOWNstring = String.valueOf(Constants.UNKNOWN); /** * @param n a integer * @return the value of {@code n} as a String using {@link Constants#INFINITY_SYMBOL} for the infinitive and {@code NaN} for not valid integer */ static public final String formatInt(int n) { switch (n) { case Constants.INT_NEG_INFINITE: return NEGATIVE_INFINITY_SYMBOLstring; case Constants.INT_POS_INFINITE: return Constants.INFINITY_SYMBOLstring; case Constants.INT_NULL: return "NaN"; default: return Integer.toString(n); } } /** * Determines the sum of {@code a} and {@code b}. If any of them is already INFINITY, returns INFINITY. * * @param a an integer * @param b an integer * @return the controlled sum * @throws java.lang.ArithmeticException if the sum of two inputs is greater/lesser than the maximum/minimum integer representable by a {@code int} */ static public final int sumWithOverflowCheck(final int a, final int b) throws ArithmeticException { int max, min; if (a >= b) { max = a; min = b; } else { min = a; max = b; } if (min == Constants.INT_NEG_INFINITE) { if (max == Constants.INT_POS_INFINITE) throw new ArithmeticException("Integer overflow in a sum of labeled values: " + Constants.formatInt(a) + " + " + Constants.formatInt(b)); return Constants.INT_NEG_INFINITE; } if (max == Constants.INT_POS_INFINITE) { if (min == Constants.INT_NEG_INFINITE) throw new ArithmeticException("Integer overflow in a sum of labeled values: " + Constants.formatInt(a) + " + " + Constants.formatInt(b)); return Constants.INT_POS_INFINITE; } final long sum = (long) a + (long) b; if ((sum >= Constants.INT_POS_INFINITE) || (sum <= Constants.INT_NEG_INFINITE)) throw new ArithmeticException("Integer overflow in a sum of labeled values: " + Constants.formatInt(a) + " + " + Constants.formatInt(b)); return (int) sum; } /** * Prevents instantiation */ private Constants() { } }