package it.univr.di.labeledvalue; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.netbeans.validation.api.Problems; import org.netbeans.validation.api.Validator; import it.univr.di.Debug; import it.univr.di.labeledvalue.ALabelAlphabet.ALetter; /** * Simple class to represent a A-label in the CSTNU framework.
* A A-label is a conjunction of zero or more A-Letters in the alphabet ({@link it.univr.di.labeledvalue.ALabelAlphabet}).
* A label without letters is called empty label and it is represented graphically as * {@link it.univr.di.labeledvalue.Constants#EMPTY_UPPER_CASE_LABEL}.


Design assumptions

* Since in CSTNU project the memory footprint of a label is an important aspect, after some experiments, I have found that the best way * to represent a A-label is to limit the possible A-letters to 64 distinct strings and to use one int for representing the state of A-letters composing a * A-label: present/absent. * * @author Roberto Posenato * @version $Id: $Id */ public class ALabel implements Comparable, Iterable { /** * @author posenato */ public static enum State { /** * Not present. Useful only for BitLabel class. */ absent, /** * A negated literal is true if the truth value assigned to its proposition letter is false, false otherwise. */ present; @Override public String toString() { return ""; } } /** * @author posenato */ private class ALabelItr implements Iterator { /** * Index of element to be returned by subsequent call to next. */ byte cursor = 0; /** * The modCount value that the iterator believes that the backing * List should have. If this expectation is violated, the iterator * has detected concurrent modification. */ int expectedModCount = ALabel.this.modCount; /** * Index of element returned by most recent call to next or * previous. Reset to -1 if this element is deleted by a call * to remove. */ byte lastRet = -1; /** * */ public ALabelItr() { } /** * */ final void checkForComodification() { if (ALabel.this.modCount != this.expectedModCount) throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return this.cursor < size(); } @Override public ALetter next() { checkForComodification(); byte i = this.cursor; while (getState(i) == State.absent) i++; ALetter next = getLetter(i); this.lastRet = i; this.cursor = (byte) (i + 1); return next; } @Override public void remove() { if (this.lastRet < 0) throw new IllegalStateException(); checkForComodification(); try { ALabel.this.remove(this.lastRet); if (this.lastRet < this.cursor) this.cursor--; this.lastRet = -1; this.expectedModCount = ALabel.this.modCount; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } } } /** * An unmodifiable empty label. * * @author posenato */ public static final class EmptyLabel extends ALabel { @SuppressWarnings({ "synthetic-access" }) public EmptyLabel() { super(); } @Override public int compareTo(ALabel l) { if (l == null) return 1; if (l.isEmpty()) return 0; return -1; } @Override public boolean conjunct(ALetter aLetter) { throw new IllegalStateException("Empty label cannot be modified"); } @Override public ALabel conjunction(final ALabel label) { if (label.isEmpty()) return this; return ALabel.clone(label); } @Override public boolean contains(final ALabel label) { if (label == null || label.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } @Override public boolean contains(final ALetter letter) { if (letter == null) return true; return false; } // @Override // public ALetter[] getAllLetter() { // return new ALetter[0]; // } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return true; } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return null; } @Override public void remove(final ALetter letter) { return; } @Override public void remove(final ALetter[] letter) { return; } @Override public int size() { return 0; } @Override public String toString() { return Constants.EMPTY_UPPER_CASE_LABELstring; } } /** * ALabel separator '∙'. */ public static final char ALABEL_SEPARATOR = '∙'; /** * ALabel separator '∙'. */ public static final String ALABEL_SEPARATORstring = String.valueOf(ALABEL_SEPARATOR); /** * Regular expression representing an A-Label. * The re checks only that label chars are allowed. */ public static final String ALABEL_RE = "[" + ALabelAlphabet.ALETTER + ALABEL_SEPARATORstring + "]+|" + Constants.EMPTY_UPPER_CASE_LABELstring; /** * Maximum size for the alphabet. * Such limitation is dictated by the ALabel class implementation. */ public static final byte MAX_ALABELALPHABET_SIZE = 64; /** * A constant empty label to represent an empty label that cannot be modified. */ public static final ALabel emptyLabel = new EmptyLabel(); /** * Validator for graphical interface */ public static final Validator labelValidator = new Validator() { @Override public Class modelType() { return String.class; } @Override public void validate(final Problems problems, final String compName, final String model) { if ((model == null) || (model.length() == 0)) return; if (!Pattern.matches(ALABEL_RE, model)) { problems.append("Highlighted label is not well-formed."); return; } } }; /** * logger */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("ALabel"); /** * In order to have a correct copy of a a-label. * * @param label * @return a distinct equal copy of label */ static final public ALabel clone(final ALabel label) { if (label == null || label.isEmpty()) return ALabel.emptyLabel; return new ALabel(label); } /** * Parse a string representing a A-label and return an equivalent A-Label object if no errors are found, null otherwise.
* The regular expression syntax for a label is specified in {@link it.univr.di.labeledvalue.Label#LABEL_RE}. * * @param s a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param alphabet A {@link ALabelAlphabet} to use. If null, it will be generated and added to the return label. * @return a Label object corresponding to the label string representation. */ public static final ALabel parse(String s, ALabelAlphabet alphabet) { if (s == null) return null; int n = s.length(); if (n == 0 || Pattern.matches(Constants.EMPTY_UPPER_CASE_LABELstring, s)) return ALabel.emptyLabel; if (!Pattern.matches(ALABEL_RE, s)) return null; // split all possible letters String[] letters = s.split(ALABEL_SEPARATORstring); int size = letters.length; if (size == 0) return ALabel.emptyLabel; // build alphabet if (alphabet == null) { alphabet = new ALabelAlphabet(); if (Debug.ON) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { LOG.finer("Created a new ALabelAlphabet: " + alphabet); } } } // build alabel ALabel alabel = new ALabel(alphabet); for (byte i = 0; i < size; i++) { alabel.conjunct(new ALetter(letters[i])); } return alabel; } /** * Alphabet to map the name into A-letter */ private ALabelAlphabet alphabet; /** * One long has 64 bits.
* Each position is associated to a A-Letter.
* *
	 * Status of i-th A-Letter
	 *              bit0[i]
	 * not present          0
	 * present              1
*/ private long bit0; /** * Number of A-letters in the label * Value -1 means that the size has to be calculated! */ private byte cacheOfSize; /** * Index of the last significant A-Letter of label. * On 2016-03-30 I showed by that using byte it is possible to define also 'size' field without incrementing the memory footprint of the * object. */ private byte maxIndex; /** * The number of times this ALabel has been structurally modified. * Structural modifications are those that change the size, or otherwise perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in * progress may yield incorrect results. */ protected transient int modCount; /** * Just for internal use */ private ALabel() { this.bit0 = 0; this.maxIndex = -1; this.cacheOfSize = 0; this.modCount = 0; } /** * Constructs a label cloning the given label l. * * @param label the label to clone. It cannot be null or empty! */ private ALabel(final ALabel label) { this(); if (label == null || label.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Label cannot be null or empty!"); this.alphabet = label.alphabet;// alphabet has to be shared! this.bit0 = label.bit0; this.maxIndex = label.maxIndex; this.cacheOfSize = label.cacheOfSize; } /** * Default constructor using a given alphabet. * * @param alphabet1 */ public ALabel(ALabelAlphabet alphabet1) { this(); if (alphabet1 == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Alphabet cannot be null!"); this.alphabet = alphabet1; } /** * Builds an a-label using the a-letter 'l' and 'alphabet'. * Be aware that if 'l' is not present into alphabet, it will be added. * * @param l first a-letter of label * @param alphabet1 alphabet of a-letters. It may be empty! */ public ALabel(ALetter l, ALabelAlphabet alphabet1) { this(alphabet1); this.conjunct(l); } /** * Helper constructor. It calls ALabel(ALetter, ALabelAlphabet). * Be aware that if 's' is not present into alphabet as a-letter, it will be added as a-letter. * * @param s the string to add. * @param alphabet1 alphabet of a-letters. It may be empty! */ public ALabel(String s, ALabelAlphabet alphabet1) { this(new ALetter(s), alphabet1); } /** * Makes the label empty. */ public void clear() { this.bit0 = 0; this.maxIndex = -1; this.cacheOfSize = 0; } /** * In order to speed up this method and considering that the {@link ALabelAlphabet} order may be not the expected alphabetic one, * (first letter in an {@link ALabelAlphabet} can be 'nodeZ' and the last one 'aNode'), the order of labels is given w.r.t. their indexes in * the their {@link ALabelAlphabet}. */ @Override public int compareTo(final ALabel label) { if (label == null) return 1; if (label.isEmpty()) { if (this.isEmpty()) return 0; return 1; } if (this.alphabet != label.alphabet) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Comparison is not possible because the given label has a different alphabet from the current one!"); return Long.compareUnsigned(this.bit0, label.bit0); } /** * It conjuncts a-letter to this. * * @param aLetter the a-letter to conjunct. * @return true if a-letter is added, false otherwise. */ public boolean conjunct(final ALetter aLetter) { if (aLetter == null) return false; byte propIndex = getIndex(aLetter); if (propIndex < 0) propIndex = this.alphabet.put(aLetter); this.set(propIndex, State.present); return true; } /** * Conjuncts a-label to this and returns the result without modifying this. * * @param label the label to conjunct * @return a new label with the conjunction of 'this' and 'label'. */ public ALabel conjunction(final ALabel label) { if (label == null || (!this.isEmpty() && !label.isEmpty() && this.alphabet != label.alphabet)) return null; if (this.isEmpty()) { return new ALabel(label); } if (label.isEmpty()) { return new ALabel(this); } final ALabel newLabel = new ALabel(this.alphabet); newLabel.bit0 = this.bit0 | label.bit0; newLabel.maxIndex = (label.maxIndex > this.maxIndex) ? label.maxIndex : this.maxIndex; newLabel.cacheOfSize = -1;// it has to be calculated... delay the stuff. return newLabel; } /** * L1 contains L2 if L1 contains all a-letters of L2. * * @param label the label to check * @return true if this contains label. */ public boolean contains(final ALabel label) { if ((label == null) || label.isEmpty()) return true; if (this.alphabet != label.alphabet) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "label is not defined using the same alphabet: " + this.alphabet.toString() + " vs " + label.alphabet.toString()); // int max = (this.maxIndex > label.maxIndex) ? this.maxIndex : label.maxIndex; // for (byte i = (byte) (max + 1); (--i) >= 0;) { // State thisState = getState(i); // State labelState = label.getState(i); // if (thisState == labelState || labelState == State.absent) // continue; // if (thisState == State.absent) // return false; // } // return true; // 1st xor shows different bits. Masking them with the complement of this, shows the bits 1 in label.bit0 that are not present in this.bit0. return (((this.bit0 ^ label.bit0) & (~this.bit0)) == 0); } /** * @param name the proposition to check. * @return true if this contains proposition in any state: straight, negated or unknown. */ public boolean contains(final ALetter name) { if (name == null) return true; return this.getState(getIndex(name)) != State.absent; } /** * Compare the letter with an a-letter name. * * @param name * @return true if the label is equal to the a-letter name. */ public boolean equals(final ALetter name) { if (name == null) return false; return this.size() == 1 && this.getState(getIndex(name)) == State.present; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (!(obj instanceof ALabel)) return false; ALabel alabel = (ALabel) obj; if (this.isEmpty() && alabel.isEmpty()) return true; return this.alphabet == alabel.alphabet && this.bit0 == alabel.bit0; } /** * @return the alphabet */ public ALabelAlphabet getAlphabet() { return this.alphabet; } /** * @return The array of a-letters of present literals in this label. * public ALetter[] getAllLetter() { * ALetter[] letters = new ALetter[size()]; * int j = 0; * for (byte i = 0; i <= this.maxIndex; i++) { * if (getState(i) != State.absent) { * letters[j++] = this.getLetter(i); * } * } * return letters; * } */ /** * @param letter * @return the index of the letter in the alphabet. */ private final byte getIndex(final ALetter letter) { return this.alphabet.index(letter); } /** * @param letterIndex the index of the literal to retrieve. * @return the letter with index literalIndex. */ final ALetter getLetter(final byte letterIndex) { return this.alphabet.get(letterIndex); } /** * @param letterIndex the index of the literal to retrieve. * @return the status of literal with index literalIndex. If the literal is not present, it returns {@link State#absent}, otherwise .{@link State#present}. */ final State getState(final byte letterIndex) { long mask = 1L << letterIndex; return ((this.bit0 & mask) != 0) ? State.present : State.absent; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int hashCode() { // It is impossible to guarantee a unique hashCode for each possible label. return (int) (31 * this.maxIndex + this.bit0); } /** * @param label * @return the label containing common ALetter between this and label. */ public ALabel intersect(final ALabel label) { if ((label == null) || this.isEmpty() || label.isEmpty()) return emptyLabel; if (this.alphabet != label.alphabet) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "alabel is not defined using the same alphabet: " + this.alphabet.toString() + " vs " + label.alphabet.toString()); ALabel newl = new ALabel(this.alphabet); newl.bit0 = this.bit0 & label.bit0; if (newl.bit0 == 0) return newl; newl.maxIndex = (this.maxIndex > label.maxIndex) ? this.maxIndex : label.maxIndex; while (newl.maxIndex >= 0 && (newl.getState(newl.maxIndex) == State.absent)) newl.maxIndex--; return newl; } /** * @return true if the label contains no literal. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return this.bit0 == 0; } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return new ALabelItr(); } /** * @param l * @return true if a-letter is added, false otherwise. */ public boolean put(final ALetter l) { return conjunct(l); } /** * It removes all a-letters in aLabel from the current label. * * @param aLabel a-Label to remove. */ public void remove(final ALabel aLabel) { if (aLabel == null) return; for (ALetter aletter : aLabel) { set(getIndex(aletter), State.absent); } } /** * It removes a-letter if it is present, otherwise it does nothing. * * @param letter the letter to remove. */ public void remove(final ALetter letter) { if (letter == null) return; set(getIndex(letter), State.absent); } /** * It removes all a-letters in inputSet from the current label. * * @param inputSet a-letters to remove. */ public void remove(final ALetter[] inputSet) { if (inputSet == null) return; for (int i = inputSet.length; (--i) >= 0;) { set(getIndex(inputSet[i]), State.absent); } } /** * @param index the index of the letter to remove. */ final void remove(final byte index) { set(index, State.absent); } /** * @param aLetterIndex the index of the literal to update. * @param letterStatus the new state. */ private final void set(final byte aLetterIndex, final State letterStatus) { /** *
		 * Status of i-th literal
		 *             bit0[i]
		 * absent       0 
		 * present      1
*/ if (aLetterIndex < 0 || aLetterIndex > MAX_ALABELALPHABET_SIZE) return; long mask = 1L << aLetterIndex; switch (letterStatus) { case present: if (((this.bit0) & mask) == 0) this.cacheOfSize++; this.bit0 |= mask; if (this.maxIndex < aLetterIndex) this.maxIndex = aLetterIndex; return; case absent: default: if (((this.bit0) & mask) != 0) this.cacheOfSize--; mask = ~mask; this.bit0 &= mask; if (this.maxIndex == aLetterIndex) { long u = this.bit0; mask = ~mask; do { this.maxIndex--; mask = mask >>> 1; } while ((u & mask) == 0 && this.maxIndex >= 0); } return; } } /** * @return Return the number of literals of the label */ public int size() { if (this.cacheOfSize >= 0) { return this.cacheOfSize; } // byte _cacheOfSize = 0; // long or = this.bit0; // for (int i = this.maxIndex + 1; (--i) >= 0;) { // _cacheOfSize += (or & 1); // or = or >>> 1; // } this.cacheOfSize = (byte) Long.bitCount(this.bit0); return this.cacheOfSize; } /** * @return lower case version */ public String toLowerCase() { return this.toString().toLowerCase(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { if (this.isEmpty()) return Constants.EMPTY_UPPER_CASE_LABELstring; final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); State st; for (byte i = 0, j = 0; i <= this.maxIndex; i++) { st = getState(i); if (st == State.present) { s.append(getLetter(i)); if (++j < this.size()) { s.append(ALABEL_SEPARATOR); } } } return s.toString(); } /** * @return upper case version */ public String toUpperCase() { return this.toString().toUpperCase(); } }