package it.univr.di.labeledvalue;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.AbstractObject2IntMap.BasicEntry;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.AbstractObject2ObjectMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap.Entry;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectRBTreeMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectRBTreeSet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSet;
import it.univr.di.Debug;
* Allows to manage upper-case values that are also associated to propositional labels.
* Labeled (by {@link Label}) values are grouped by alphabetic labels {@link ALabel}.
* Each labeled value group is represented as LabeledIntTreeMap.
* Be careful!
* Since lower-case value are singular for each edge, it not convenient to represent it as TreeMap.
* A specialized class has been developed to represent such values: {@link LabeledLowerCaseValue}.
* At first time, I made some experiments for evaluating if it is better to use a Object2ObjectRBTreeMap or a ObjectArrayMap for representing the internal map. * The below table shows that for very small network, the two implementation are almost equivalent. So, ObjectArrayMap was chosen. * * *
Operation | *Using Object2ObjectRBTreeMap (ms) | *Using ObjectArrayMap (ms) | *
Create 1st map | *0.370336085 | *0.314329559 | *
min value | *0.017957532 | *0.014711536 | *
Retrieve value | *0.001397098 | *0.000600641 | *
Simplification | *~0.183388 | *~0.120013 | *
* In October 2017, I verified that even with medium size network, some edges can contain around 5000 labeled UC values. * So, I tested the two implementation again considering up to 10000 labeled UC values. * It resulted that up to 1000 values, the two implementation show still almost equivalent performance, BUT when the keys are 5000, using ObjectArrayMap * retrieve the keys requires more than ONE hour, while using Object2ObjectRBTreeMap it requires almost 96. ms!!! * Details using Object2ObjectRBTreeMap: * *
* Time to retrieve 50 elements using entrySet(): --- * Time to retrieve 50 elements using keySet(): 0.012000000000000004ms * * Time to retrieve 100 elements using entrySet(): --- * Time to retrieve 100 elements using keySet(): 0.006000000000000003ms * * Time to retrieve 1000 elements using entrySet(): 0.045ms * Time to retrieve 1000 elements using keySet(): 0.034ms * The difference is 0.025000000000000015 ms. It is better to use: keySet() approach. * * Time to retrieve 5000 elements using entrySet(): 0.9623700000000001ms * Time to retrieve 5000 elements using keySet(): 0.352ms * The difference is 0.6139400000000002 ms. It is better to use: keySet() approach. * * Time to retrieve 10000 elements using entrySet(): -- * Time to retrieve 10000 elements using keySet(): 1.292ms ** * Considering then, RB Tree instead of RB Tree: * *
* Time to retrieve 50 elements using keySet(): 0.012000000000000002ms * * Time to retrieve 100 elements using keySet(): 0.007ms * * Time to retrieve 1000 elements using entrySet(): --- * Time to retrieve 1000 elements using keySet(): 0.038ms * The difference is 0.025000000000000015 ms. It is better to use: keySet() approach. * * Time to retrieve 5000 elements using entrySet(): --- * Time to retrieve 5000 elements using keySet(): 0.388ms * The difference is 0.6139400000000002 ms. It is better to use: keySet() approach. * * Time to retrieve 10000 elements using entrySet(): -- * Time to retrieve 10000 elements using keySet(): 1.314ms ** *
* All code for testing is in LabeledALabelIntTreeMapTest class (not public available). * * @author Roberto Posenato * @version $Id: $Id */ public class LabeledALabelIntTreeMap implements Serializable { /** * A read-only view of an object * * @author posenato */ public static class LabeledALabelIntTreeMapView extends LabeledALabelIntTreeMap { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * @param inputMap */ public LabeledALabelIntTreeMapView(LabeledALabelIntTreeMap inputMap) { =; } @Override /** * Object Read-only. It does nothing. */ public boolean mergeTriple(Label l, ALabel p, int i) { return false; } @Override /** * Object Read-only. It does nothing. */ public boolean mergeTriple(Label newLabel, ALabel newAlabel, int newValue, boolean force) { return false; } @Override /** * Object Read-only. It does nothing. */ public boolean mergeTriple(String label, ALabel p, int i) { return false; } @Override /** * Object Read-only. It does nothing. */ public boolean mergeTriple(String label, ALabel p, int i, boolean force) { return false; } @Override /** * Object Read-only. It does nothing. */ public LabeledIntTreeMap put(ALabel alabel, LabeledIntMap labeledValueMap) { return null; } @Override /** * Object Read-only. It does nothing. */ public boolean putTriple(Label l, ALabel p, int i) { return false; } @Override /** * Object Read-only. It does nothing. */ public int remove(Label l, ALabel p) { return Constants.INT_NULL; } } /** * Keyword \w because it is necessary to accept also node names! */ static final String labelCharsRE = ALabelAlphabet.ALETTER + ALabel.ALABEL_SEPARATORstring + ",\\-" + Constants.NOT + Constants.EMPTY_LABEL + Constants.INFINITY_SYMBOLstring + Constants.UNKNOWNstring + Constants.EMPTY_UPPER_CASE_LABELstring + Literal.PROPOSITIONS; /** * Matcher for RE */ static final Pattern patternlabelCharsRE = Pattern.compile("\\{[\\(" + labelCharsRE + "\\) ]*\\}"); /** * logger */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("LabeledALabelIntTreeMap"); /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; /** * @param label * @param value * @param nodeName this name is printed as it is. This method is necessary for saving the values of the map in a file. * @return the canonical representation of the triple (as stated in ICAPS/ICAART papers), i.e. * {@link Constants#OPEN_PAIR}Alabel, value, label{@link Constants#CLOSE_PAIR} */ static final public String entryAsString(Label label, int value, ALabel nodeName) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); s.append(Constants.OPEN_PAIR); s.append(nodeName); s.append(", "); s.append(Constants.formatInt(value)); s.append(", "); s.append(label); s.append(Constants.CLOSE_PAIR); return s.toString(); } /** * Parse a string representing a LabeledValueTreeMap and return an object containing the labeled values represented by the string.
* The format of the string is given by the method {@link #toString()}. * For historical reasons, the method is capable to parse two different map * format:"{[(〈label〉, 〈Alabel〉, 〈value〉) ]*}
* or"{[(〈Alabel〉, 〈value〉, 〈label〉) ]*}"
, where [a]* is a meta constructor for saying zero o more 'a'. * * @param arg a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param alphabet * @return a LabeledPairMap object if args represents a valid map, null otherwise. */ public static LabeledALabelIntTreeMap parse(String arg, ALabelAlphabet alphabet) { // final Pattern splitterNode = Pattern.compile("〈|; "); if (Debug.ON) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { LabeledALabelIntTreeMap.LOG.finest("Begin parse: " + arg); } } if ((arg == null) || (arg.length() < 3)) return null; if (!patternlabelCharsRE.matcher(arg).matches()) return null; final LabeledALabelIntTreeMap newMap = new LabeledALabelIntTreeMap(); arg = arg.replaceAll("[{}]", ""); // arg = arg.substring(1, arg.length() - 2); if (Debug.ON) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { LabeledALabelIntTreeMap.LOG.finest("Before split: '" + arg + "'"); } } final Pattern splitterEntry = Pattern.compile("\\)|\\("); final String[] entryThreesome = splitterEntry.split(arg); if (Debug.ON) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { LabeledALabelIntTreeMap.LOG.finest("EntryThreesome: " + Arrays.toString(entryThreesome)); } } final Pattern splitterTriple = Pattern.compile(", "); if (alphabet == null) alphabet = new ALabelAlphabet(); int j; String labelStr, aLabelStr, valueStr; for (final String s : entryThreesome) { if (Debug.ON) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { LabeledALabelIntTreeMap.LOG.finest("s: '" + s + "'"); } } if (s.length() > 1) {// s can be empty or a space. final String[] triple = splitterTriple.split(s); if (Debug.ON) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { LabeledALabelIntTreeMap.LOG.finest("triple: " + Arrays.toString(triple)); } } Label l = Label.parse(triple[2]); if (l == null) { // probably it is the old format labelStr = triple[0]; aLabelStr = triple[1]; valueStr = triple[2]; } else { // new format aLabelStr = triple[0]; valueStr = triple[1]; labelStr = triple[2]; } if (l == null) l = Label.parse(labelStr); if (Debug.ON) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { LabeledALabelIntTreeMap.LOG.finest("Label: " + l); } } if (valueStr.equals("-" + Constants.INFINITY_SYMBOLstring)) j = Constants.INT_NEG_INFINITE; else j = Integer.parseInt(valueStr); if (Debug.ON) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { LabeledALabelIntTreeMap.LOG.finest("Value: " + j); } } // LabeledNode is represented as " 〈; {}; Obs: null〉 " // final String nodePart = labLitInt[1];//splitterNode.split(labLitInt[1]); // System.out.println(aLabelStr); final ALabel node = ALabel.parse(aLabelStr, alphabet); if (Debug.ON) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { LabeledALabelIntTreeMap.LOG.finest("LabeledNode: " + node); } } newMap.mergeTriple(l, node, j, false); } } return newMap; } /** * Data structure. * *
*/ protected Object2ObjectRBTreeMap- A Upper/Lower Case value is a pair (nodeName, value) where nodeName is a name of a node * and can be written either in all UPPER case or in all lower case. * Such kind of constraint has been introduced by Morris Muscettola 2005. *
- A labeled Upper/Lower Case value is a pair (nodeName, (plabel, value)), where plabel * represents scenario where value holds. * Such kind of constraint has been introduced by Hunsbergher, Combi, and Posenato in 2012. *
- Each plabel is a conjunction of literals, i.e., of type {@link Label}.
*- Since there may be more pairs with the same 'nodeName', a labeled Upper/Lower Case value is as a map of (nodeName, LabeledIntMap). See * {@link LabeledIntMap}. *
- In 2017-10, nodeName has been substituted by Alabel. ALabel represent the name of a node or a conjunction of node names. Such modification has been * introduced because CSTNU DC checking algorithm requires such kind of values. *
- Since the introduction of ALabel, we suggest to use two @{link {@link LabeledALabelIntTreeMap}. One to represent the upper-case values. * The other for lower-case ones. *
map;// ObjectArrayMap is not suitable when the map is greater than 1000 values! /** * Number of elements */ private int count; /** * Simple constructor. The internal structure is built and empty. */ public LabeledALabelIntTreeMap() { = new Object2ObjectRBTreeMap<>(); this.count = 0; } /** * Constructor to clone the structure. * All internal maps will be independent from lvm ones while elements of maps will be shared. * The motivation is that usually a Label inside a map is managed as read-only. * * @param lvm the map to clone. If null, 'this' will be a empty map. */ public LabeledALabelIntTreeMap(final LabeledALabelIntTreeMap lvm) { this(); if (lvm == null) return; for (final ALabel alabel : lvm.keySet()) { final LabeledIntTreeMap map1 = new LabeledIntTreeMap(lvm.get(alabel));, map1); this.count += map1.size(); } } /** * @return a set view of this map. In particular, it returns a set of (ALabel, LabeledIntTreeMap) objects.
* Be careful: returned LabeledIntTreeMap(s) are not a copy but the maps inside this object. * THIS METHOD HAS NOT A GOOD PERFORMANCE * public ObjectSet> entrySet() { * return; * } */ /** * @param newLabel it must be not null * @param newAlabel it must be not null * @param newValue * @return true if the current map can represent the value. In positive case, an add of the element does not change the map. * If returns false, then the adding of the value to the map would modify the map. */ public boolean alreadyRepresents(final Label newLabel, final ALabel newAlabel, final int newValue) { final LabeledIntTreeMap map1 =; if (map1 != null && map1.alreadyRepresents(newLabel, newValue)) return true; /** * Check if there is already a value in the map having shorter ALabel that can represent the new value. */ final int newALabelSize = newAlabel.size(); for (ALabel otherALabel : this.keySet()) { if (newALabelSize <= otherALabel.size() || !newAlabel.contains(otherALabel)) continue; LabeledIntTreeMap labeledValuesOfOtherALabel = this.get(otherALabel); if (labeledValuesOfOtherALabel.alreadyRepresents(newLabel, newValue)) { // a smaller conjuncted upper case value map already contains the input value return true; } } return false; } /** * */ public void clear() {; this.count = 0; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof LabeledALabelIntTreeMap)) return false; final LabeledALabelIntTreeMap lvm = (LabeledALabelIntTreeMap) o; return;// this equals checks the size... so NO empty pair (key, {}) cannot be stored! } /** * @param alabel * @return the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key */ public final LabeledIntTreeMap get(final ALabel alabel) { return; } /** * @return the minimal value of this map not considering upper/lower case label (node label), {@link Constants#INT_NULL} if the map is empty. */ public Object2ObjectMap.Entry