CSTNU Project README ==================== Directory summary -------------------- * CstnuTool Contains the CSTNU instances, link to uppaal-tiga, the CSTNU SNAPSHOT jar and shell scripts to work with CSTNU-->TIGA translator. * Old Contains old ant scripts to compile CSTNU and SCTNU2UppaalTiga translator, old CSTNU.jat distribution (before the adoption of Maven build system) and the DTD for the TIGA Timed Automata description. * src Contains all the source files about the project and the relative distribution site. * uppaal-tiga-### Contains the source and jar distribution of the UPPAAL-TIGA tool. Moreover, in the main directory there are the following files: * README This file * dependency-reduced-pom.xml * pom.xml Maven configuration files. To use maven ------------ * mvn clean //Fundamental!!! Before to do anything regarding site * mvn compile //for compiling * mvn test //for executing JUNIT4 test * mvn package //for preparing the jar package * mvn site //for building site without deploy * mvn site-deploy //for building site and deploying it on profs.sci.univr.it. Before a 'mvn site-deploy', make a 'mvn clean, mvn package'.