Transforming Abstract Interpretations by Abstract Interpretation: New Challenges in Language-based Security

By: Roberto Giacobazzi and Isabella Mastroeni

Roberto Giacobazzi
Dip. di Informatica
Univ. di Verona
Strada Le Grazie a Ca' Vignal 2
I-37134 Verona, Italy

Isabella Mastroeni
Dip. di Informatica
Univ. di Verona
Strada Le Grazie a Ca' Vignal 2
I-37134 Verona, Italy


In this paper we exploit abstract interpretation for transforming abstract domains and semantics. The driving force in both transformations is making domains and semantics, i.e. abstract interpretations themselves, complete, namely precise, for some given observation. We prove that a common geometric pattern is shared by all these transformations, both at the domain and semantic level. This pattern is based on the notion residuated closures, which in our case can be viewed as an instance of abstract interpretation. We consider these operations in the context of language-based security, and show how domain and semantic transformations model security policies and attackers, opening new perspectives in the model of information ow in programming languages.
Related papers:
  • Domain Compression for Complete Abstractions (VMCAI'03)
  • A Unifying View on Abstract Domain Design (ACM Comp. Surveys 28(2), 1996)
  • Refining and compressing abstract domains (ICALP'97, LNCS 1256: 771-781, 1997)
  • Completeness in abstract interpretation: A domain perspective (AMAST'97, LNCS 1349: 231-245, 1997)
  • Complete abstract interpretations made constructive (MFCS'98, LNCS 1450:366-377, 1998)
  • Building Complete Abstract Interpretations in a Linear Logic-based Setting (SAS'98, LNCS, 1998)
  • Making abstract interpretations complete (Journal of the ACM. 47(2):361-416 2000).
  • Incompleteness, Counterexamples and Refinements in Abstract Model-Checking (LNCS 2126, SAS'01,2001)
