Past news and events
Workshop: Purity, Approximation Theory and Spectra (PATHS), 13 - 17 May 2024
The algebra group at the University of Verona will hold a workshop on the topics of purity, approximation theory and spectra. This event was originally planned to take place in 2020 but was postponed due to the COVID19 pandemic.
Online seminar: FD Seminar
I was one of the organisers of the FD seminar, which was a weekly online seminar on the representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras that ran from May 2020 until May 2024.
Functorial methods in silting theory
Between January 2019 and September 2020 and between January 2021 and March 2021 I was working on a project funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships program. The project, called Functorial Techniques in Silting Theory, aimed to apply methods originating in the model theory of modules to the theory of silting.
A remarkable feature of the model theory of modules is that many model theoretic results can be translated into statements about a certain categories of additive functors and vice versa. This connection with functor categories has given rise to a wide range of foundational results and powerful techniques in representation theory: the so-called theory of purity.
Purity arises naturally in many areas of representation theory, including in the field of silting theory. The focus of silting theory is on distinguished objects determining t-structures whose hearts have particular properties and, if these objects are nice with regards to the theory of purity, then the heart has correspondingly nice properties (for example, a pure-injective cosilting object often determines a heart that is Grothendieck). The idea of this project is to introduce a new perspective on silting theory via the theory of purity and, ultimately, to develop and exploit the connection between the two topics.
This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 797281.
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A remarkable feature of the model theory of modules is that many model theoretic results can be translated into statements about a certain categories of additive functors and vice versa. This connection with functor categories has given rise to a wide range of foundational results and powerful techniques in representation theory: the so-called theory of purity.
Purity arises naturally in many areas of representation theory, including in the field of silting theory. The focus of silting theory is on distinguished objects determining t-structures whose hearts have particular properties and, if these objects are nice with regards to the theory of purity, then the heart has correspondingly nice properties (for example, a pure-injective cosilting object often determines a heart that is Grothendieck). The idea of this project is to introduce a new perspective on silting theory via the theory of purity and, ultimately, to develop and exploit the connection between the two topics.
This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 797281.