Part I: Quantum Computing
Basic notions from quantum mechanics and linear algebra
The qubit
Quantum Computability: The quantum circuit model, Universality
Quantum Algorithms and Complexity: The BQP class, Phase estimation, Factoring, Quantum search
Part II: Topological Quantum Computing
Anyons and topological systems
Computing with anyons
Simulating anyons with quantum circuits
Fibonacci anyons
Simulating quantum circuits with Fibonacci anyons
Part III: Seminars
Quantum Machine Learning - Prof David Windridge
Seminar Title:
Supervised Discriminative Classification in Quantum Machine Learning
Quantum Machine Learning is a recent area of research initiated by the demonstrations of quantised variants of standards machine learning algorithms such as the Quantum Support Vector Machine (SVM) by Rebentrost, Mohseni & Lloyd and the Quantum K-Means algorithm of Aïmeur, Brassard & Gambs. The development of the quantum SVM can be regarded as particularly significant in that the classical SVM constitutes the exemplar instance of a supervised binary classifier, i.e. an entity capable of learning an optimal discriminative decision hyperplane from labeled vectors. We explore this classifier in detail along with its Kernelised variants, as well as investigating an ensemble-based enhancement to enable variance-resilient quantum machine learning.
Quantum Programming Languages - Prof Raja Nagarajan
Seminar Title:
Quantum Formal Methods: From Languages to Verification
The novel field of quantum computation and quantum information has gathered significant impetus in the last few years, and it has the potential to radically impact the future of information technology. While the successful construction of a large-scale quantum computer may be some years away, equipment for quantum cryptography is commercially available and a satellite has been launched by China to provide secure quantum communication. However, it is well known from experience with classical systems that it is notoriously difficult to achieve robust and reliable implementations. Techniques based on formal verification are now widely used by industry to ensure that classical systems meet their specifications. In this talk, I will introduce quantum programming/specification languages and give an overview of our ongoing work on formal methods for modelling and analysis of quantum protocols and, eventually, their implementations.