Marco Cristani
Full Professor
Computer Science Dept.
University of Verona

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Research interests

  • My main research interests are in statistical pattern recognition and learning-based computer vision (mainly deep learning and generative modeling), with emphasis on social signal processing, i.e., how to model human activities with computer vision tools, following social psychology principia. In particular, I'm interested in fashion modeling (clothing parsing, recommendation, 3D computer vision). Other interests are on video surveillance applications, such as human activity modeling, people re-identification and pedestrian detection.


  • June 2022: I've been awarded with the prestigious IAPR Fellow Award!; A great achievement, which I will be officially endorsed at ICPR 2022 this August, 24th.
  • June 2022: "Spatial Commonsense Graph for Object Localisation in Partial Scenes." CVPR 2022 paper with Francesco Giuliari, Geri Skenderi, Marco Cristani, Yiming Wang, Alessio Del Bue!