Principal curvatures of a surface

Controls: Move mouse with left button or A key pressed to rotate. Move mouse with middle button or S key pressed to zoom. To show the tangent plane, check the box Tangent Plane. To show the normal plane check the box Normal Plane. The slider Plane Angle allows to rotate the translucid normal plane, which cuts cuts the surface along the blue curve (called a normal section). Its curvature is the normal curvature in the direction of the normal plane chosen. The maximum and minimun of the normal curvatures are called the principal curvatures. If the box Princ. curv. is checked,the normal sections giving the principal curvatures are shown: these are always orthogonal. The button Change background cyclically changes the background among a few choices. The default background is flat, but less demanding in terms of graphics resources...

Webgl applet built with the library three.js (released under the MIT license). This applet is (C) 2012, Sisto Baldo and is released under GPL.