Registration form for PhD Modelling Week 2016

Please, fill in this registration form to receive payment instructions.
Registration is confirmed only after payment (final deadline: June 15, 2016).

(Please specify, e.g., Department of Mathematics)
(if not clear from University)
Payment * I am employed in a non-Italian EU university/company which will directly pay my registration fee.
I am employed in a public Italian university/company which will directly pay my registration fee. **
I am employed in a private Italian university/company which will directly pay my registration fee.
I will personally pay my registration fee. **

** Se sei affiliato ad un ente pubblico e vuoi pagare personalmente la quota di iscrizione, accertati prima che il tuo Ente poi ti rimborsi. Altrimenti, fai pagare la quota direttamente dal tuo Ente mediante fatturazione elettronica.

* mandatory information

Financial support I require support for lodging (shared double room in a student house) ***
I require support for travel expenses ***
I require fee reimbursement ***

*** please acclude your CV and a letter by your Referring Professor

You will receive payment instructions after submission